On the hunt to make somebody smile? We’ve got just the gift! Our festive bouquet of fresh roses in lively Spring shades brings a truly original touch to every Easter celebration. Send one or two dozen bright blooms, plus add some extra sweet surprises to fill their basket, like yummy chocolates and our exclusive plush bunny.
- Stunning bouquet of one or two dozen fresh multicolored roses
- To ensure lasting beauty, roses arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
- Harry London® 6.3 oz chocolate assortment, packed neatly in a silver foil box that reads “Sending You Sweet Smiles”
- Picked at the peak of perfection from our select floral farms
- Shipped overnight to ensure freshness
Add to their gift:
- Our exclusive "Sweet Bunny" floppy-eared plush; measures 6.5"H and is safe for all ages