Celebrate Arbor Day with These Fun Facts and Tree Planting Tips

Arbor Day is an internationally celebrated holiday that has its own date in each country depending on the climate and planting seasons of the region. In the United States, Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April; this year, it falls on April 28.

What is Arbor Day?

Arbor Day is a day to celebrate the role trees have in our lives. People and communities are encouraged to plant trees as well as care for existing trees in their neighborhood.

arbor day with trees and tulips

History of Arbor Day

While observances and celebrations honoring trees have been practiced throughout history, the first official Arbor Day as we know it today was celebrated in 1872 in Nebraska. One specific pioneer, Julius Sterling Morton, was primarily responsible for organizing the official holiday and helping spread its popularity; for that reason, he is known as the “founder of Arbor Day.”

5 tips for planting trees

1. Pick a prime location

Take into consideration buildings around the space as well as any power or plumbing lines nearby. Make sure you check any zoning rights with your local township to make sure you can legally plant in your chosen spot.

2. Water your tree with care

The first watering after you plant your tree is crucial. Make sure you water as soon as possible and avoid letting it dry out too much.

3. Research your specific type of tree to make sure it is the right fit

Make sure you are planting it in its rightful climate as well as during the right season. Double check specific fertilizer suggestions and watering amounts.

4. Never underestimate the power of mulch

Mulching around your tree can help keep it healthy as well as control competition from weeds. While mulching is important, over-mulching should be avoided as well.

5. Keep up with care

Don’t let all that tree planting effort go to waste by neglecting your tree after the fact. Water, feed, and fertilize your plant as necessary, and watch it bloom from a baby tree to one that towers over you!

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