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Inviting ideas and advice to help you connect, express & thrive
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Gifts for New Moms on Their First Mother’s Day

Shannon O'Connor

May 04, 2017

It doesn’t matter if she’s been a mom for five years, 50 years, or all of five minutes - all moms deserve some recognition on Mother’s Day! Focusing on the latter example, do you know someone who will be celebrating their first Mother’s Day this year? If you have a friend or family member that has recently started to experience motherhood for the first time, we’re here to help you find the perfect gift for her - check out our ideas below.

Worth the effort
A job well done

Personalized Jewelry

Moms love anything that have to do with their children, and they also love jewelry, so put them together and present your new mom with a personalized piece that has their child’s name or picture on it! One of our favorite pieces is the personalized family circle necklace, which has been designed to represent the bond parents share with their children.

A Day At The Spa

Motherhood can be exhausting - especially for those who are just getting started! That said, give your new mom the opportunity to rest and unwind by taking the kids off her hands and sending her to the spa.

Practice makes perfect

Baby Gear

You can never have too much baby gear! With spring here and summer on the way, consider giving mom some new seasonal items such as an adorable outfit or two! And even if you think she already has everything she needs to care for her little one(s), you can bet that extra clothes, accessories, furniture, even baby decor, will be much appreciated.

Comfy Clothes

New moms are constantly moving around, so help them be comfortable while they take on their new responsibilities! Between bringing their baby back and forth to the doctor and just moving around the house to get things done, the last thing your new mom should have to worry about is what she’s going to wear!

With love

A Photo Book

Help mom savor every moment of life with her new baby by giving her a photo book that she can use to collect her memories! It’s one thing to be able to reminisce on things by thinking about them, but being able to have visual memories is a huge plus. Not to mention, we know mom is going to be taking tons of pictures anyway, so she might has well have somewhere to put them!

We may not be able to give our new mom friends some extra time off from work once maternity leave is over, but the gifts above are sure to excite them all the same! Do you have any other gifts to add to our list of gift ideas for new moms? If so, we’d love to hear about them!