A Local Florist Combines Her Passions Through Floral Art

Meet Local Florist, Patti Fowler for #OneOfAKind

When local florist Patti Fowler studied plant science in college, she didn’t plan on a career in floral design. But her passion for flowers and plants — fueled by training in the principles and elements of floral design — changed her career path. “Floral design actually found me more than me finding floral design,” Patti says.

A photo of local florist Patti Fowler inspecting flowers

Her love of flowers and plants led her to the wholesale floral industry in her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Then it took her to Southern California and what she calls “the grower side” of the business. But 16 years ago, drawn back to her roots, she became the owner of Flowerama of America in Pittsburgh’s suburban North Hills area.

The floral studio specializes in unique floral creations and horticultural installations, building on the foundation of Patti’s early plant education and feeding her hunger for floral design. “The industry itself has been my passion for 30 years now,” Patti says.

Sourcing flowers to convey emotions through floral art

As a retail floral shop owner, Patti is familiar with the multiple hats it takes to run a thriving local floral studio — from product procurement to last-minute deliveries when the situation requires.

A photo of local florist Patti Fowler

The flowers that are currently in my cooler have probably gone through more continents to get here than I will travel in my lifespan.

Patti Fowler



Sourcing the best flowers and plants for her shop is one of her favorite tasks. Sometimes that means finding the perfect flowers for a specific event. Other times, it’s stocking the cooler with the best flowers in season to have spectacular blooms ready when she gets a call for a One of a Kind bouquet.

“If it’s being grown in the world somewhere, I usually have the contacts so that I can procure it,” Patti says. “The flowers that are currently in my cooler have probably gone through more continents to get here than I will travel in my lifespan.”

From Costa Rican ranunculus and Italian Ruscus to locally grown Pennsylvania blooms, the flowers communicate on behalf of the people behind the request. “They give us a little bit of creative freedom to help them express their emotions based upon the product that’s looking the best on the market,” she says. The result is floral art.

A local florist takes inspiration from personalities and flowers

As an artist, Patti’s avenues for inspiration vary. For wedding events, she starts with and builds on the bride’s vision. For tributes, she learns about the loved one who has passed away. “Let’s get a feel of the personality behind that piece so that we can best create a sentiment that fulfills the heart,” she says.

At Patti’s florist shop, creativity doesn’t take a break when holidays and traditional color schemes come around. “That doesn’t mean that the rest of our rainbow of colors is unavailable at that time,” she says.

Enriched by insights into the recipient’s personality, non-traditional colors or unexpected flower choices that “dance through the arrangement” add excitement and meaning for the people involved.

Regardless of the project, inspiration flows from Patti’s flowers. “I know a lot of people say the flowers speak to them,” she says. “The flowers don’t speak to me; I speak to the flowers.”

The curve of a stem or the lines of a bloom inspire. Then, Patti takes the driver’s seat, melding principles and elements of floral design into creations that only she and those flowers could produce.

Creating One of a Kind bouquets and connections

A photo of local florist Patti Fowler

When clients request a One of a Kind arrangement, Patti’s hands become extensions of their emotions. “It gives me the ability to provide the best customer experience that my clients can have,” she says. The recipient gets an original design that transforms the day’s freshest, most fabulous flowers into a beautiful composition of true floral art.

These unique creations work for every sentiment and occasion. One of a Kind elements extend from design to expanded palettes of blooms and foliage, often including premium and more unusual flowers. “It’s a great choice all the time,” Patti says. “It gives us, as retail florists, the opportunity to create the floral art that ultimately we want everybody to receive.”

Looking back on her journey, Patti is grateful that her floral art has created and nurtured long-standing connections with local families. “I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to start with recital flowers for some of my young ladies, to their prom flowers, to their wedding flowers, to their baby shower,” Patti shares. “So, we grow with our people.”

And for the people of Pittsburgh’s North Hills area, that’s part of what makes local florist Patti Fowler a #OneOfAKind.

An ad for One-of-a-Kind bouquets designed by a local florist

A Local Florist Grows Her Career From Part-Time Job to Full-Time Passion

Meet Local Florist, Vivian Chang, for #OneOfAKind

What is it they say? “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Local florist Vivian Chang lives by this quote. She’s loved art and flowers since she was a child, and she’s turned her creativity into a successful profession.

Photo of local florist Vivian Chang and an arrangement

Vivian’s floral career began to bloom when she was in college and in need of part-time work. Her cousin had a flower shop in Los Angeles not far from where Vivian attended school and offered her a job, so she decided to give it a try. “I was going to be a salesperson,” she says. “After a week, I was designing already.”

It was the perfect match. “I just fell in love with the business.” And 35 years later, that’s still true. Now she runs her own shop and is excited every morning to see what projects the day will bring. She especially looks forward to meeting new walk-in customers and catching up with her many repeat clients.

A local florist’s talent for pleasing customers

Vivian has a talent for working with gorgeous, colorful flowers and creating one-of-a-kind bouquets, and when her designs bring her customers happiness, she’s happy, too.

Every day is different for this local florist — she may be asked to provide a bouquet for a birthday or flowers for a funeral or a wedding — and she enjoys helping people who don’t know exactly what they want. “We always start with colors,” Vivian explains. “You have to think about what color the person likes, what kind of flowers they like. They might not have a specific flower, but they know, ‘Oh, she likes spring-looking flowers or pastel tones.’” Just a few words can point the designer in the right direction and help her create something special and unique.

“When I start designing, it doesn’t matter what happened that morning or what’s going on in my life,” Vivian says. “When I look at flowers and when I’m creating, I only focus on what the person would like and what my customer asked for. There is nothing else.”

A peek behind the scenes

Vivian loves the variety and quality of blooms she gets from 1-800-Flowers.com. “They come from all over the world,” she says, with tulips arriving from Holland and most roses from Ecuador or Colombia. High-quality flowers from 1-800-Flowers are supplied to local florists like Vivian, and the company teaches florists how to make sure the flowers look great for a long time.

Close-up photo of local florist Vivian Chang

When I look at flowers and when I’m creating, I only focus on what the person would like and what my customer asked for. There is nothing else.

Vivian Chang

1-800-Flowers.com Local Florist

“Once we get the flowers, we give them all kinds of vitamins to make them look prettier and live longer,” Vivian says. Whether customers walk into the shop or order online, she wants them to enjoy their flowers for as long as possible.

While Vivian’s store is very close to Beverly Hills, she caters to all budgets, and she says that customers appreciate being able to order from the 1-800-Flowers website, where they can get fresh ideas and customize their gifts. “The product development team is creating something new every day,” she says. “They’re creating all the time so the online customer will be able to pick and choose what they like.”

For Vivian, her mission is the same no matter what occasion the flowers are for. Whether it’s a happy celebration like a wedding or a birthday or an occasion where people are in need of extra comfort, such as at a funeral, this local florist wants her flower arrangements to raise customers’ spirits and make a lasting impression.

An ad for One-of-a-Kind bouquets designed by a local florist
An ad for One-of-a-Kind bouquets designed by a local florist
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