A perfect time for a little celebration

Our Sunday letters are direct from our Chairman and CEO and aim to provide a message of hope and inspiration. We share the best stories that show how others aim to express, connect and celebrate the people most important to them during these trying times.

With so many weighty things on our plates these days, something light and sweet is very appealing. We have two opportunities this week for little celebrations to let the people in our lives know we appreciate them.

The first, National Boss’s Day on Oct. 16, is a chance to thank the people who challenge us and help us grow both personally and professionally. Chances are, many people would like to recognize their boss for their support and flexibility during these trying times, and this is the perfect opportunity. We asked some of our team members at 1-800-Flowers to each share three attributes that they think make a good boss. We noticed some themes.

What makes a good boss, according to 1-800-Flowers employees

How You Can Honor Your Boss This Boss’s Day

Take a moment to tell your boss how much you enjoy working for them and how they contribute to your success. You and your teammates could create a tribute video, have a virtual potluck lunch, or all sign a team card. However you choose to express it, you have the power to change how people feel and you can do so by giving your boss some recognition on Boss’s Day!

How to celebrate Sweetest Day

Another opportunity to make someone’s day comes on Oct. 17, which is celebrated as Sweetest Day. Think of it as a fall Valentine’s Day.

We know what you are thinking…is this a manufactured holiday? Yes, it is, and we love the story behind it. Years ago, some of the German immigrants who settled in the Ohio River Valley were confectioners. Because they had no refrigeration a century ago, they had to shut down chocolate making in the summer because it would melt otherwise.

When temperatures started to fall in autumn, they came up with this holiday — where you gift candy to your sweetheart — to give fall sales a kick start.

It was first celebrated on Oct. 10, 1921, in Cleveland, Ohio. The local newspaper, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, at the time reported that a committee of 12 confectioners planned the day and distributed over 20,000 boxes of candy to “newsboys, orphans, old folks, and the poor.”

Despite efforts to spread the holiday across the country, it never caught on the way Feb. 14 did, even though greeting card companies in recent years have also offered Sweetest Day products specifically for the occasion.

Regardless of the region you live in, you can use the day as an excuse to give your friends and loved ones a sweet note or treat. We have some free cards you can send for Sweetest Day here.

Maybe you will also use the occasion to treat yourself to something sweet at the same time. We’re sure that you also deserve it.

We wish you a good week and hope you stay safe.

Jim and Chris

Published by

Jim McCann, Founder of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc.

Jim McCann

Jim McCann is the founder, CEO, and chairman of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. as well as a business leader, author, and philanthropist with a passion for helping people deliver smiles. Devoted to helping others, he also founded Smile Farms, a 501(c)3 organization that provides meaningful jobs in agricultural settings to young adults and adults with developmental disabilities.

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