Administrative Professionals’ Day: What to Give, What to Say, and What to Never Give or Say

Administrative Professionals’ Day, aka Admin Day, celebrates those in the office who keep the wheels turning. Sometimes they’re called executive assistants, administrative secretaries, or office managers. An admin’s responsibilities could range from filing paperwork and coordinating meetings to assisting the CEO and managing the office. Both their title and responsibilities depend on the size and type of office.

Administrative Professionals Day - What to Say & Do

One thing they all do is support the office in some way, and today is the day to say, “Thank you and Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day!” So what is the best way to do that?

What to Give: Good Thank You Gifts

  • A gift like a plant, flowers, a box of candy, or a gift card to their favorite restaurant or coffee shop. These can all be made to feel personal when paired with a sincere thank you note (more on that below!).
  • Lunch via a food delivery app i.e. Seamless, UberEats, etc. or when social distancing is over, at a favorite restaurant. Let them pick where to go, round up the team, and have fun. Order appetizers and dessert without asking; this is a celebration! Bring a card signed by everyone along with one of the gifts above if it’s in the budget.  If you’d like to send something now, food delivery apps are a great next option.
  • Time off. If it’s within your ability to do so, let them spend the day or afternoon however they’d like.
  • A Social Media Shout Out: Everyone likes to be recognized. Skip the photo (they might not find it flattering) and instead use a picture of the office or a stock “thank you” photo. (Another cute idea is to find and use one of their baby pictures. Make sure it’s tasteful– no nudes.) Say something along the lines of “Whitney rocks! We couldn’t do it without her. Here’s to the best admin an office could ask for.”

How to Give It: Card, Email or Text?

A handwritten card is the best method of delivery. It’s the most personal and doesn’t make the recipient feel like they need to respond as do email and text. Some tips on the message:

  • Exclamation points: Use sparingly. It will depend on the length of your message but you’re probably fine with one or even none.
  • Emojis: Pass. Use your words and save the silly faces for your friends. You know your office best, but generally a well-written thank you won’t need adornment.
  • Make sure you’ve spelled names correctly.
  • Proofread twice.

What NOT to Give: Bad Thank You Gifts

  • No crude joke gifts; no “funny” profane mugs, t-shirts, or other off-color gifts.
  • No alcohol. A bottle of wine is a lovely thing to bring to a dinner party but not the office.
  • Nothing religious.
  • No clothing. Accessories like scarves or gloves may be ok if you know them well, but clothing is generally too personal and intimate.
  • Nothing you wouldn’t give to someone in a position of authority like your boss. For example, no lingerie, beauty products, or self-help books such as how to do your job better.

If you’re wondering if your gift is inappropriate, it probably is. Your best bet is to stick with one of these classics.

What to Write

Keep it short and sweet. Humor is fine but don’t let it get away from you; something that is meant to be funny often comes across insulting or just plain weird.
Here are some samples of what to write:

  • Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day! Thank you for all your hard work keeping the office running smoothly. We truly appreciate you!
  • Thank you for your help this year. You’re a hard worker, you always take the initiative to see what needs to be done, you’re quick to learn and you’re patient with those of us who aren’t. We are lucky to have you.
  • Thank you for your excellent work and positive attitude. Things can get crazy here but you manage to take it all in stride and never lose your cool. Great job.
  • Happy Admin Day! It’s people like you who make work a nicer place to be.
  • I found this quote and thought of you: “The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.” Thank you for being such an amazing admin and making it all look easy.
  • You can run the office without a boss, but you can’t run an office without admins.
    • Thank you for all your incredible contributions. We couldn’t do it without you.

Written by Contributing Author Kathy Milano

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