How the Marketplace Is Supporting Disability Awareness

For Jim McCann, founder of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc., the desire to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities is personal: His brother, Kevin, was born with developmental disabilities. Jim was looking for a charitable cause to support when a call came from Walter Stockton, CEO of Independent Group Living Home (IGHL), where Kevin was a resident.

national disability employment awareness month Johns Crazy Socks

So, in 2015, in partnership with IGHL, the McCann family helped start Smile Farms, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that creates meaningful jobs in agricultural settings for adults with disabilities. In addition to its impactful work with the disabled community, Smile Farms has made a splash in the artisan goods space. Its first signature product, Heat with Heart™ hot sauce, is available on the Marketplace, along with a curated selection of other products created by individuals with disabilities.

Other Marketplace sellers connected with the disabled community include John’s Crazy SocksCollettey’s Cookies, One for All Gifts, and Spectrum Designs. These entrepreneurs show the world the power of people with disabilities, while also raising money for and awareness of their businesses. “Eight in 10 disabled adults are unemployed, compared to three in 10 with no disability,” says Paige Melley, manager of Marketplace marketing & merchandising. “We want the world to know that people with disabilities can and do create products that are just as good as, or even better than, anyone else.”

The spotlight on these makers is even brighter in October, which is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a celebration of the positive contributions of people with disabilities in the workforce.

History of National Disability Employment Awareness Month

National Disability Employment Awareness Month dates to 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week of October “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.” Its initial purpose was to rally public support for and raise awareness of employment for members of the armed services, who were returning from war with disabilities.

Subsequently, President Harry S. Truman created the “President’s Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week,” to facilitate activities commemorating the event. In one letter to committee members, President Truman wrote: “I have taken great interest in watching public attention increase and grow each year as public spirited citizens joined with Federal, State and community officials to bring to the attention of our nation’s people and employers the true worth of our impaired workers…Please be assured of the continued personal interest of your President and your Government in your year around efforts to place more trained and capable disabled veterans and handicapped non veterans in the offices, farms and factories of our land.”

In the following years, under the succeeding administrations of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Reagan, additional executive orders expanded the scope of the law (and renamed the designation several times over). In 1988, the week-long event was expanded to the entire month of October and renamed National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

mark cronin headshot

The more customers we reach, the more jobs we create, which means more employment for people with differing abilities.

Mark X. Cronin

Co-founder, John’s Crazy Socks

Raising awareness, taking action

Raising awareness, however, is only part of NDEAM’s mission. A commitment to the prosperity of people with disabilities in the employment sector requires intention and action year-round. The Office of Disability Employment Policy suggests several ways employers can advocate for people with disabilities, including hosting learning sessions that give employees the opportunity to learn about disability-related subjects and interviewing students with disabilities during college recruiting events.

But the work doesn’t end with places of employment; individuals have many ways they can advocate for people with disabilities, including by patronizing their businesses.

Making a difference during NDEAM

In addition to Smile Farms, a number of other Marketplace sellers are doing their part to advocate for employees with disabilities, as well as support National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Here are three of them.

John’s Crazy Socks

Co-founded by Mark X. Cronin and his son, John Lee Cronin — a young man with Down syndrome — John’s Crazy Socks was inspired by John’s love of fun, colorful socks, or what he calls his “crazy socks.” The father and son team started the company seven years ago as a social enterprise with a mission of “spreading happiness.”

Today, more than half the company’s employees have a differing ability. “We love being part of the Marketplace and are grateful for the opportunity,” Mark says. “They are helping us reach more customers, which means we get to spread more happiness. And the more customers we reach, the more jobs we create, which means more employment for people with differing abilities.”

In honor of NDEAM, John — the company’s chief happiness officer — and Mark will speak at events during the month of October, as well as reach out to corporate leaders and elected officials to promote employing people with differing abilities and eliminating the subminimum wage.

national disability employment awareness month John Holding Socks
national disability employment awareness month colletteys cookies

Collettey’s Cookies

Collette Divitto was born in 1990 with Down syndrome. After high school, she sought employment, but after going on job interview after job interview, she still couldn’t find work. So, she decided to start her own business baking cookies — a passion she developed after taking classes in high school — calling it Collettey’s Cookies.

The company took off and now employs 15 people, several of whom have disabilities. “She has turned her success into a mission of creating job opportunities for people that are faced with the same rejection,” says Rosemary Alfredo, Collettey’s director of PR and marketing, and Collette’s mom.

In addition to being the founder, creator, baker, and CEO of Collettey’s Cookies, Divitto launched in 2018 the nonprofit organization Collettey’s Leadership Programs, which offers free workshops and mentoring programs for people with disabilities who desire to live independently. Alfredo says, “Her story is about championing others and destigmatizing the word ‘disability,’ with the hopes to encourage the start of more opportunities. Her mission is for her story to help people with disabilities to live full, employed, and inclusive lives, like she does.”

One For All Gifts

Another seller with an equally noble mission is One For All Gifts. Not yet three years old, One For All features a range of items — from artwork to jewelry and pottery — made exclusively by neurodiverse entrepreneurs and social enterprises actively employing differently abled adults. Sean DeMarco, a young man on the autism spectrum, and his mother, Theresa DeMarco, launched the shop in October 2020 so Sean could continue to run his framed movie-poster business, Decades Collectibles, uninterrupted in the wake of the pandemic.

“We wanted to give other entrepreneurs the opportunity to sell their items as well,” Theresa says. “Our motto is ‘A shared space with a shared purpose,’ and we are grateful every day to celebrate the potential of differently abled entrepreneurs, elevate the opportunity for dignified employment, and advocate for meaningful community.”

One For All Gifts started selling its customized gift bundles curated from more than 60 entrepreneurs in the Marketplace in early 2023. During NDEAM, One For All will host pop-up shops in front of its brick-and-mortar location (in Southold, New York, near the eastern tip of Long Island) so customers can meet some of the artisans in person. “Our gift shop has grown into an extraordinary collective of diverse entrepreneurs,” Theresa says. “We are proud to share their stories!”

national disability employment awareness month One For All Gifts
national disability employment awareness month spectrum designs

Spectrum Designs

Featured in the award-winning 2018 documentary This Business of Autism,” Spectrum Designs is “a business with a social mission to create meaningful and inclusive employment opportunities for people on the autism Spectrum,” says COO Tim Howe. “Adults on the autism spectrum face an unemployment rate of over 80 percent nationwide, which is why we like to say that we don’t employ people to make T-shirts — we make T-shirts to employ people.

Spectrum Designs has worked with a range of partners in the corporate space, including Foot Locker, Google, and Uber. The company appreciates the opportunity to draw attention to the abilities of its team through Marketplace. “We are very grateful that 1-800-Flowers saw the value in what our team can create and trusts us to work together with them,” Howe says. 

As part of NDEAM, the company will publish video clips and other promotional materials via social media that showcase the ongoing accomplishments of its employees. “Disability employment is at the core of everything we do 365 days a year,” Howe says. “We take the celebration as an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the amazing things our team is doing 12 months out of the year.”

Buzzing for Change: 5 Ways You Can Help Save the Bees

Bees, those tiny yet mighty creatures, play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They are responsible for pollinating a significant portion of the world’s crops, including fruitsvegetables, and nuts. Unfortunately, bees face numerous challenges today, such as habitat loss, pesticide exposure, climate change, and disease. As concerned individuals, we can all contribute to the conservation of these vital pollinators — both on National Honey Bee Day (this year celebrated on Aug. 19) and year-round.

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Here are five actionable ways you can help save the bees and ensure a more sustainable future for our planet.

1. Plant bee-friendly gardens

Creating a bee-friendly garden is one of the most effective ways to support these incredible pollinators. Incorporate native plants and flowers that provide nectar and pollen throughout the year. Opt for a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes to attract different bee species. Some excellent choices include lavendersunflowers, wildflowers, and herbs like thyme and rosemary. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides, as they can harm bees and other beneficial insects. Instead, consider natural alternatives or embrace organic gardening practices.

2. Provide bee habitats

Bees need safe and suitable habitats to nest and raise their young. You can make a positive impact by setting up bee houses or bee hotels in your backyard or community spaces. These artificial structures mimic the nooks and crannies bees naturally seek out, such as hollow stems or holes in dead trees. Ensure the bee house is placed in a sunny spot, protected from strong winds. By providing nesting sites, you offer bees a secure environment to thrive and contribute to pollination.

3. Support local beekeepers

Beekeepers play a vital role in bee conservation. By purchasing local honey and beeswax products from reputable beekeepers, you support their efforts and contribute to the local economy. Moreover, bees raised by dedicated beekeepers are often healthier and better equipped to withstand environmental challenges. Consider visiting farmers markets or local beekeeping associations, or donating to the American Beekeeping Federation, to find and support these passionate individuals who work tirelessly to protect bees and their habitats.

A picturesque scene of a beekeeper tending to beehives in a vib

4. Spread awareness and educate

One of the most powerful tools for change is knowledge. Educate yourself and others about the importance of bees in our ecosystem and the challenges they face. Share information through social media, organize workshops or presentations, or engage in discussions within your community. By raising awareness, you inspire others to take action and create a collective impact.

5. Create water sources

Bees require water for hydration and maintaining hive humidity. Create a shallow water source in your garden by placing a shallow dish or birdbath with stones or twigs for the bees to land on while drinking. Ensure that the water is refreshed regularly to prevent the growth of mosquitoes. This simple act can go a long way toward supporting the health and survival of bees, particularly during hot and dry seasons when water is scarce.

The plight of bees demands our attention and action. By implementing these five simple yet impactful ways to help save the bees, we can collectively make a difference in their survival and the health of our environment and food supply.

6 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month

June is filled with celebrations, including graduation, Juneteenth, and Father’s Day, but the entire month itself is also a celebration — that of Pride and the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole.

While Pride today is associated with parties and parades, the origins of Pride Month are anything but celebratory. The first Pride March took place June 28, 1970 in New York City, on the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. This bloody riot occurred when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village, and arrested employees and patrons. The conflict led to six days of city-wide protests and inspired gay rights movements worldwide.

celebrate pride month with a pride flag at a pride parade

Over the past five-plus decades, participation in Pride events has swelled from those original 3,000 marchers to millions across the globe. Pride today takes place throughout June and is celebrated through parties, parades, education workshops, benefit concerts, and more.

Whether you personally identify with the LGBTQIA+ community or support it as an ally, you can show you care in many ways during the month. We spoke to Jackie Lacey, director of education and industry relations at the Floriology Institute, and the team leader for the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. LGBTQIA+ employee resource group; and Sophie Mona Pagès, a queer BIPOC relationship expert, to share suggestions about how to celebrate Pride Month this June.

1. Educate yourself

If you want to celebrate Pride Month in the best way possible, it helps to know why it exists in the first place. “Look for education on the subject; learn why we even celebrate Pride,” Lacey suggests. By gaining a historical perspective, he believes, you can give the month, and the cause, the respect it deserves. Pagès agrees. “Knowledge is power, and Pride Month is usually the perfect time to seek out information about the history of the LGBTQIA+ community,” she says. “Make time to explore the information available and research all there is to find, as it helps celebrate the voices who made all this possible and those who are still trying to make it possible in their own contexts.”


Sending others Pride-themed cookies, gift boxes, or rainbow roses is a great way to open the door for sharing education and embracing the Pride colors.

Jackie Lacey

Team leader, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. LGBTQ+ employee resource group

2. Volunteer your time

One of the best ways to support the LGBTQIA+ community is through a gift of your time. “Whether you’re a community member or an ally, there will always be places that need your help,” Lacey says.

“LGBTQIA+ businesses, centers, and organizations are always in need of more support than they have, so look into where you can donate what you can. The community is maintained through our mutual support of one another, and that’s one of the greatest principles to celebrate this month!”

3. Elevate LGBTQ+ voices

If you’re an ally of the queer community, then use Pride Month as an opportunity to elevate the voices within it.

“Whether it’s your favorite artists or that one queer-owned candle business whose TikToks you can’t stop watching, take this month as an opportunity to share and celebrate members of the community,” Pagès explains. “It doesn’t matter what following or influence you have or whether you’re going to share it with one friend or everyone in your circle — offer them the gift of being seen!”

A photo of celebrate pride month with a pride gift

4. Send Pride-themed gifts

Don’t let the distance from LGBTQIA+ loved ones prevent you from celebrating Pride. Consider mailing a gift to make someone smile. “Sending others Pride-themed cookiesgift boxes, or rainbow roses is a great way to open the door for sharing education and embracing the Pride colors,” Lacey says.

This is an excellent opportunity to get creative and tailor each gift to the recipient’s taste. Maybe a punny Bee-themed support box will be appreciated, or a Love Yourself personalized blanket.

5. Put on a fundraiser

Pride Month creates the perfect opportunity to support causes that matter to the community. If you want to make more than just a personal contribution, consider putting on a larger fundraiser. Lacey suggests starting an LGBTQIA+ art drive.

Creating an art drive, he explains, can directly benefit the LGBTQIA+ community, as every purchase made provides something that others can appreciate and use. “Many of those that identify as LGBTQIA+ members are very artistic and creative,” Lacey says. “Art shows allow an opportunity to share stories about the artist and create awareness within the communities they are part of.” Top donors could receive a Pride-themed token of appreciation, such as a rainbow-hued circle of friends soapstone statue.

Social media makes it easier than ever to connect with the larger community to find potential participants. Or, plug into an event that’s already taking place in your area. “Here in Jacksonville, Florida, there is an opportunity every first Saturday during the summer months for artists and farmers to rent a booth and sell their creations,” Lacey says. “You could easily coordinate a group of artists to sell their work and maybe even have some proceeds go to an LGBTQIA+ community group.”

6. Host a party

Despite the historical hardships that Pride Month commemorates, June is a time for celebrating the diverse LGBTQIA+ community, Lacey says.

“I recommend you host a Pride party in your space for LGBTQIA+ youth or adults,” he says. “Embrace the rainbow and join some friends for your own Pride night.” You can keep things feeling festive with Pride-themed snacks, such as popcorncake pops, and cookies.

And if you don’t all live near one another, make it a virtual party. “The internet makes it possible to see your loved ones at the click of a button,” Pagès says. “Take this opportunity to organize a little event online where members of the LGBTQIA+ and their allies can get together and have some fun.

“The possibilities are literally endless! You can binge LGBTQIA+ movies, look up and sign petitions relating to LGBTQIA+ issues, share your stories, wins, and dreams, or have a dance party.”

Pride banner

Gift Ideas to Celebrate Pride Month

Pride Month, observed annually in June, is about celebrating and honoring the people and organizations who have fought — and are fighting — for equal justice and opportunity in the LGBTQIA+ community.

To celebrate Pride Month, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. teamed up with Point Foundation, which over the past 21 years has empowered LGBTQIA+ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential through financial support, a peer community, leadership training, and mentorship. As part of this partnership, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. granted $25,000 in scholarships and funding to Point Scholars.

Additionally, you can support the LGBTQIA+ community by making a donation upon checkout across our brand portfolio to continue to fund leadership opportunities for Point Scholars in the future.

Gifts for Pride Month 2023

Another way to show your support is by sending a gift for Pride Month. Our Pride collection features specially curated items that celebrate equality and love for all. Here’s a selection of Pride-inspired gifts that anyone would be happy to receive.

pride month gifts with Rainbow Chocolate Covered Cookies

Rainbow Chocolate-Covered Cookies

Everyone loves cookies. It’s a scientific fact, right? These decadent delights start with chocolate sandwich cookies, which are then dipped in luscious Belgian chocolate and finished with colorful chocolate drizzles or candy toppings. Send them for Pride Month or any other celebratory occasion on the calendar.

pride month gifts with Magnificent Roses® Preserved Kaleidoscope Roses

Magnificent Roses® Preserved Kaleidoscope Roses

Prepare to be wowed when you untie the blue ribbon on the hat box-style container and open it to reveal the most aptly named flowers: magnificent roses. These polychrome roses are hand-picked from farms around the world, and each petal is color enhanced. Since the blooms are preserved, these roses do not need watering; they will last throughout Pride Month and beyond for up to a year.

pride month gifts with You Are Awesome Treats Pail

You Are Awesome Treats Pail

Many of the treats that come in this awesome pail are snack size, but they still pack a ton of flavor! This gift lives up to its name, with such amazing cookies as chocolate chip, buttercream frosted (a Cheryl’s mainstay), and even to-die-for fruity cereal. After you have eaten all the cookies, you might just find yourself using the bucket to store more cookies in the future.

pride month gifts with Pride Month Gift Box

Pride Month Gift Box

Pride Month is a celebration, and this gift box helps make it a delicious one. Share the love throughout June with such treats as yogurt-covered pretzels, gummy confetti drops, a rainbow marshmallow pop, shortbread cookies with orange sanding sugar, and Harry & David signature truffles.

pride month gifts with Love Yourself Personalized Blanket

Pride Love Yourself Personalized Blanket

Fleece blankets like this one are perfect for cozily watching a movie with your loved one (don’t forget the popcorn…), or talking, or even taking a nap. It is also the perfect size (50×60) to be a throw blanket on your bed. The blanket is silky, soft, and cozy. What else can you ask for?

pride month gifts with Tins With Pop® Pride

Tins With Pop® Pride

Remember that movie we mentioned, the one you should watch while wrapped in a fleece blanket and eating popcorn? Well, this is the popcorn that complements that movie-watching event. Each piece of gourmet kettle corn pops with so much flavor, you’ll be hard pressed to pick a favorite.

How 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. and Point Foundation Are Teaming Up to Support LGBTQIA+ Students

For over 50 years, June has signified Pride Month in the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride Month has a rich history rooted in the LGBTQIA+ rights movement, primarily commemorating the Stonewall Riots of June 1969 in New York City. The following year, the first Pride March was organized in Manhattan, marking the birth of the modern Pride movement.

In cities and towns across America, and in most corners of the world, Pride Month is marked by celebrations, including marches, parades, festivals, and special events, as well as the flying of brightly colored rainbow flags.

In recent years, businesses have become increasingly involved in Pride Month. Companies from various industries — retail, technology, e-commerce, and entertainment — have embraced the celebrations and actively supported the LGBTQIA+ community. Many organizations now incorporate Pride-themed merchandise, advertising campaigns, and corporate partnerships during the month of June.

Chris McCann Portrait x

We believe that embracing diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of every individual makes us a stronger company.

chris mccann

CEO, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc.

Partnering with Point Foundation

This year, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. is teaming up with Point Foundation to support and empower LGBTQIA+ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential.

In support of Pride Month and beyond, the company is granting $25,000 in scholarships and funding to Point Scholars. The collaboration aims to help LGBTQIA+ students achieve their full potential, making a significant impact on society.

Helping LGBTQIA+ students for over 20 years

For over 20 years, Point Foundation has been the largest scholarship-granting nonprofit for LGBTQIA+ students studying in the United States. Its scholarships support LGBTQIA+ students as they pursue undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees at accredited universities and community colleges in the United States.

Point Foundation Students on Patio at NLC
Flagship Scholarship recipients pose at the 2022 Point Foundation National Leadership Conference in Los Angeles. (Photo courtesy of Point Foundation)

More than half of Point Scholars are first-generation college students, 24% are transgender or nonbinary, and 84% are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color). Foundation alumni are employed in nearly every field, including law, education, art, politics, business, and medical care.

We are proud to support all the incredible work the Point Foundation does through its scholarship programs, as well as its coaching, mentorship, networking, and overall supportive community for LGBTQIA+ students across the United States,” says Chris McCann, CEO of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. “We believe that embracing diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of every individual makes us a stronger company.”

How gift-givers can help

Gift-givers can show their Pride by sending a thoughtful expression to loved ones from an exclusive collection of rainbow-themed gifts from 1-800-Flowers.comHarry & DavidCheryl’s Cookies, and more. Customers also have the option to support Point Foundation throughout Pride Month with a donation upon checkout across the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. family of brands.

Also, throughout the month of June, team members of the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. LGBTQ+ & Allies Employee Resource Group will walk in Pride parades across the country, and the company will host a learning session with Point Foundation for employees nationwide.

Happy Pride Month to the LGBTQIA+ community, its families, allies, partners, and friends!

How Smile Farms Is Growing New Job Opportunities for People with Disabilities

The series “Growing Smiles” explores the challenges faced by America’s developmentally disabled adults and the solutions provided by Smile Farms, the primary philanthropic endeavor of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. This story explores how Smile Farms is finding job opportunities for people with disabilities at restaurants.

Photo of Manny Irick in the kitchen of restaurant. He was hired through Smile Farms, which helps create
jobs for people with disabilities
Emmanuel “Manny” Irick

By all accounts, Emmanuel “Manny” Irick is a star restaurant employee. “Hard working,” says one of his managers. “A joy to be around,” says another who added words like “confident,” “positive,” and “reliable.”

But Manny almost didn’t have a chance to shine. The 37-year-old from Brooklyn, New York, tried hard, had a goal, and was persistent despite obstacles in finding a job.

About 61 million Americans live with disabilities and struggle to find meaningful employment. Just 21% of people with a disability were employed in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By comparison, over 65% of people without disabilities have jobs.

Manny got his chance through a partnership between the Community Prevocational program at League Education & Treatment Center (LETC) and Smile Farms, an innovative program that creates meaningful jobs in agricultural and hospitality settings for adults with developmental disabilities.

Manny’s opportunity arose as Smile Farms was looking beyond agriculture to expand opportunities for the over 270 participants spread out across 11 campuses. For an organization known for growing food, an expansion into restaurants seemed like a natural path.

From farm to table(s)

Smile Farms’ shift to restaurants happened organically, and Manny’s journey illustrates this.

After completing pre-vocational training at League, Manny’s first job was as a Smile Farmer, working at urban farms in the New York area. “It was fun,” Manny recalls. “I learned how to put the seeds in, grow plants, and pick the vegetables when they were ready.”

Crafted Hospitality, the food service company of celebrity chef Tom Colicchio, has partnered with Smile Farms for over six years. It hosted a campus employing a Smile Farmer, purchased Smile Farms-grown produce to use on its menus, supported its hot sauce, and contributed to its donation delivery service.

Once the pandemic began to subside, restaurants struggled to find workers to staff their kitchens and dining rooms. This prompted a conversation between Craft New York General Manager John Gargano and Diana Martin, managing director of Smile Farms.

“John asked me, `Would you be you be up for trying to get some of the Smile Farmers to work at the company’s flagship restaurant, Craft New York, and its adjacent Italian restaurant, Vallata, in Manhattan?”

The answer was a resounding yes.

Learn more about Smile Farms

Read about the history of Smile Farms and its mission of providing meaningful employment opportunities to adults with disabilities. 

Becoming part of the workforce

“Smile Farms workers go through the same process as everyone else applying for a job at Craft,” Martin explains. “Their resumes are sent over, they come in for an interview, and, if they are hired, they get onboarded and trained.”

The initial jobs offered to Smile Farms employees, including Manny, were for polishers, who shine the glassware for the tables. It’s an important job in a high-end restaurant: “Everything has to be perfect,” Gargano says.

Gargano said that the restaurant built a new polishing station and manned it with Smile Farms staffers. “They are polishing the glassware and taking it back and forth from the station to the dining room floor as needed,” Gargano says. “Prior to the Smile Farms polishers, the restaurant’s workers were doing it themselves.”

Good work means expansion of the program

The Smile Farms employees have been extremely beneficial to the restaurant, Gargano says. “Everyone is more productive and efficient, and you’re providing opportunities for someone who might otherwise not have — and that’s something special.”

As a result of the success, Craft is expanding the program to its other restaurants in New York City. “And we’re also expanding at the flagship store. We’re going to go from two workers to five, and, ultimately, with all the restaurants, we plan to employ 1520 workers,” Gargano points out.

Not only is Craft hiring more workers, but it is beginning to promote, starting with Manny. “He was moved to kitchen prep, which is amazing,” Martin says. “He went to the chef, on his own, and said he wanted to learn how to do kitchen prep, and he loves his new position.”

Photo of Manny Irick in the kitchen of restaurant. He was hired through Smile Farms, which helps create
jobs for people with disabilities
Manny prepares herbs at Craft restaurant.

Manny’s promotion

Manny is thrilled about his rise at Craft.

“It has been great,” he says. “In food prep, I have learned how to make juices, prepare thymes, basils, parsley, how to grate cheese, mash potatoes, and I helped to make cookies. But I didn’t do it by myself; the staff helped me a lot. I also help around the restaurant if they need me.”

“I was happy to have the chance to work. As long as I’m working, I’m happy. I have money to buy the things I need, which is great,” he says.

smile farms collection banner

Gifts That Keep on Giving: Favorites from the Smile Farms Collection

Looking for a birthday gift that will delight the recipient and carry an extra-special message? Check out the Smile Farms Collection from the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. family of brands.

Group of workers at Smile Farms

Every gift purchased from this collection will benefit the Farmers of Smile Farms, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting adults with developmental disabilities. Founded in 2015, Smile Farms focuses on providing meaningful vocational, educational, and employment opportunities that generate pride, enhance life skills, and offer socialization experiences.

“Like many other non-profits, Smile Farms has faced significant challenges during a time when our efforts were more needed than ever before,” says Smile Farms Managing Director Diana Martin. “1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. has long supported Smile Farms in its mission to foster new opportunities for people with disabilities. We feel so fortunate to be the recipients of their innovative approach to giving back, especially this year.

“The Smile Farms Collection encapsulates the value both 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. and Smile Farms place on connection, community, and celebrating our differences,” she says. “We are grateful to every person who shops from this collection – they are making a true difference with each dollar.”

About Smile Farms

Smile Farms Group

Smile Farms is the signature philanthropic partner of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. It was started by the company’s founder, Jim McCann, and his brother, CEO Chris McCann.

The McCanns’ brother, Kevin, lives in a group home on Long Island, N.Y., run by the Independent Group Home Living Program (IGHL), and that program’s CEO, Walter Stockton, had mentioned to Jim that he was having trouble finding work for residents.

Jim was happy to help. But when he scanned the local job market, he discovered that there were indeed very few options for people with developmental disabilities. The first Smile Farms campus opened up in 2015.

Diana Martin Headshot

We are grateful to every person who shops from this collection – they are making a true difference with each dollar.

Diana Martin

Managing Director

Smile Farms

Today, Smile Farms has 11 campuses in the New York area. It has expanded its partnerships to include non-profits that serve not only individuals with developmental disabilities but those with other disabilities as well. 

Smile Farms creates meaningful opportunities at local farms, urban gardens, and greenhouses for hundreds of adults and youth with different abilities. There they can grow and sell flowers, plants, and produce in the communities where they live. Almost none of the Farmers have worked before, so for the first time, they are able to experience the satisfaction of mastering new skills, the pleasure of contributing to their team and community, and the thrill of taking home a paycheck.

Make wishes come true with fun, festive gifts

floral embrace smile farms

Floral Embrace

Like a warm embrace, our vibrant Floral Embrace bouquet delivers your sentiments to someone special. A gathering of yellow and orange blooms with pops of bright pink and purple, it’s more than a gift — it’s a way to express how you feel inside.

Photo of the Good Day Bouquet, which will bring smiles and support Smile Farms

Good Day Bouquet

The Good Day Bouquet is a great way to deliver smiles! Bunches of blooms in uplifting colors are gathered into our keepsake smiley face container, delivering just the brightness they need to make their day better. Perfect for celebration-worthy moments and everyday sentiments.

Gourmet Drizzled Strawberries

Gourmet Drizzled Strawberries

Say “happy birthday” with gourmet drizzled strawberries. Fresh and juicy, these irresistible treats will add flavor to any birthday celebration. Choose from two dozen, full dozen, or half dozen.

smile farms hot sauce

Red & Green
Hot Sauce

Heat with Heart™ hot sauce is composed entirely of peppers grown by our Smile Farmers with different abilities. Our fiery red and earthy green sauces are made with hot and sweet peppers grown across six Smile Farms campus locations.

english muffins smile farms

English Muffins

Our world-famous, super-thick English muffins are the biggest of our three muffin sizes. The extra thickness means they’ll stand up to any topping, with tiny air pockets that make for a crisp bite every time they come out of the toaster.

smile farms moose munch

Moose Munch® Premium Tin

Moose Munch® Premium Popcorn is not your average caramel popcorn. Every detail of the recipe went through intense scrutiny, from the type of corn we use to how the caramel coats each popped kernel. It took over 160 attempts to get the original recipe absolutely perfect.

popcorn smile farms

Butterfly Wishes
Popcorn Tins

Give the perfect gift to make their special day pop! This gift features delicious popcorn in Butter, Cheese, and Caramel flavors.

The beautifully decorated two-gallon tin serves 32 delicious cups.

The 3.5-gallon tin serves 56 cups.

harry gift box smile farms

Gift Box

Harry’s Gift Box, named after one of Harry & David’s founders, features some of our most popular sweet and savory snacks. Favorites like hickory-smoked summer sausage and three-seed crackers are complemented by two of our signature sweet treats: juicy pears and classic caramel Moose Munch® Premium Popcorn.

smile farms birthday win

Fill their special day with sweet moments by sharing a bountiful birthday gift of delicious cookies. We’ve included festive flavors like buttercream-frosted chocolate cake and birthday cake, plus other favorites. Everything is nestled into a cheerful tin featuring the words “Happy Birthday.”

*“Net Proceeds” shall be defined as the gross sales price of the product less any and all taxes, service charges, shipping and handling charges, discounts, gift certificates, promotional gift certificates, promotional offers (e.g. airline miles, points, e-money, etc.) credits, rebates, chargebacks, refunds, credit card processing fees and gift certificate cancellations.

© 2023 Smile Farms Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN: 46-5360466.

The Benefits of Performing Random Acts of Kindness

random acts of kindness with man supporting friend

From buying a coffee for the person in line behind you to picking up litter at your local park, small acts of kindness can be just as meaningful as grand gestures. Sure, it can be easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life, but being able to spot opportunities to do something nice for someone else can have a positive impact on yourself and others.

Performing random acts of kindness any time of year can make a difference, but if you’re not sure where — or when — to start, might we suggest Random Acts of Kindness Week, which this year is celebrated from Feb. 11-17. The idea behind the week-long celebration is to encourage people to look outside themselves and do something helpful for their fellow man, and then to carry that spirit throughout the rest of the year, until we, as its tagline says, “make kindness the norm.” This random act of kindness can run the gamut, from complimenting a stranger to leaving inspirational notes around town to buying a gift for someone when they were least expecting it.

4 ways performing small acts of kindness is good for us (and those around us)

Being kind has a lot of benefits, both psychological and physical. Here are four ways that performing random acts of kindness can actually make us feel better, and make the world a better place.

1. Performing random acts of kindness boosts our mental health

When we do something kind for someone else, it naturally lifts our mood. “Not only do random acts of kindness help the receiver feel better, but they also help the giver feel better,” says Dr. Rachel Goldman, clinical psychologist and assistant clinical professor at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. “Participating in simple acts of kindness without expecting anything in return stimulates the reward center of your brain and releases the feel-good hormones, serotonin and dopamine, as well as endorphins,” Goldman says.

2. Performing random acts of kindness improves our physical health

Exhibiting kindness is not just good for our minds but our bodies as well. When we consistently do things that put others before ourselves, it lowers our blood pressure and cortisol, a hormone that directly impacts stress levels. Evidence also shows that being kind contributes to our sense of community and belonging, and that, in turn, can lead to us living longer, healthier lives.

random acts of kindness with woman helping homeless person

3. Performing random acts of kindness can make us feel more connected

Another unexpected power of performing random acts of kindness is that it can improve our social skills and broaden our social support system. When we express consideration for others, it can cause our bodies to increase production of oxytocin, a hormone that enhances our feeling of connection to each other. “It can also increase one’s self-confidence and even self-worth, as well as their sense of belonging,” Goldman says.

4. Performing random acts of kindness helps spread good in the world

It’s clear that small gestures can brighten someone’s day, but it doesn’t have to end there: The impact of showing compassion can extend far beyond the act itself. When you perform a random act of kindness, you can inspire others — the recipient, those who may have witnessed it — to repeat your good deed, which in turn contributes to a more positive community.

Real random acts of kindness

The examples of random acts of kindness below were submitted through the “Random Acts of Cheryl’s” sweepstakes. These are just a few of the many selfless gestures that everyday people are making to help make the world a kinder, gentler place.

25 ways to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week

Below is a list of random acts of kindness to help you spread smiles this Feb. 11-17, and throughout the year.

  1. Text a loved one that you’re thinking about them.
  2. Run an errand for a busy family member.
  3. Bring your doorman a hot cup of tea.
  4. Send a loved one a handwritten letter.
  5. Send someone flowers just because they’re on your mind.
  6. Let someone go in front of you at the checkout line.
  7. Volunteer at an animal shelter, food pantry, senior living center, etc.
  8. Bake cookies for your neighbor or local fire or police department.
random acts of kindness with people picking up litter
  1. Send a care package to a service member.
  2. Put coins in an expired parking meter.
  3. Give someone your seat on a crowded bus or train.
  4. Pay the toll for the car behind you.
  5. Return shopping carts at the grocery store.
  6. Pick up litter at your local park.
  7. Donate to a charity.
  8. Write your partner a list of things you love about them.
  9. Compliment a colleague to your boss.
  1. Shovel snow for an elderly neighbor.
  2. Rake your neighbor’s leaves.
  3. Write a thank you note to a teacher.
  4. Babysit for a busy parent for free.
  5. Leave a positive review for a business you love.
  6. Give an extra generous tip.
  7. Buy a hot meal for someone in need.
  8. Share a positive quote online.

5 Ideas for Celebrating National Random Acts of Kindness Week

“Being kind” is one of the core values of our society. But, as every parent knows, kindness is something that must be actively taught and fostered starting at a young age.

While kindness isn’t a time-specific concept, parents and caregivers can certainly use Random Acts of Kindness Week as a jumping-off point to talk to children about what it means to be kind.

sally macaluso

Founder of parenting blog Tenderhearted Teacher

Sally Macaluso Mug x

“Kindness is a critical aspect of social-emotional development,” notes Sally Macaluso, early childhood educator and founder of the parenting resource blog Tenderhearted Teacher. “Teaching a child kindness, compassion, empathy, mindfulness, and other social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in early childhood can help them continue these practices in adulthood.”

While there are many formal ways to teach these skills, setting a good example, Macaluso says, is among the best. “Ultimately, one of the most effective ways to teach a little one — about any topic, really — is through modeling. Kindness is no different,” she says.

In other words, children look to adults to learn what kindness is and how to express it. This means that grown-ups, as caregivers and community members, have the power to show them that kindness lives in the little moments that happen every day and that these little moments can add up to a lifetime of positive experiences and healthy connections. Choosing to smile at a stranger, take a deep breath before losing our temper, or offer the last piece of cake to a friend are small ways we can show kindness in our daily lives.

A week dedicated to kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Week, celebrated this year from Feb. 11-17, was started in 1995 by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation in Colorado with the goal to “make kindness the norm.” Macaluso notes, “While kindness isn’t a time-specific concept, parents and caregivers can certainly use Random Acts of Kindness Week as a jumping-off point to talk to children about what it means to be kind.” Setting aside time to celebrate with kids highlights how important the topic is and supports the organization’s mission of connecting all people through kindness.

5 ways to celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Week

When it comes to modeling kindness, no act is too small. The ideas below are meant to spark valuable conversations about the many ways kindness positively affects both the giver and receiver. They encourage children to be themselves and celebrate the week in ways inspired by their unique personalities. And, hopefully, they motivate kids to take the lessons they learned and carry them with them throughout their lives.

random acts of kindness day with child taking care of a dog

1. Help our four-legged friends (and their owners)

A great way to show kindness is by volunteering at or donating to a local animal shelter. Macaluso mentioned that one year her students visited a local shelter to donate pet supplies and drop off a homemade poster thanking the staff and volunteers. Another idea is asking around the neighborhood or on social media if any pet owners in your community need their animals walked or fed while they’re home alone during the week. You can also consider buying a gift for the pet lover in your life.

2. Give the gift of nourishment

Cooking and delivering meals or home-baked cookies to a friend or loved one is a thoughtful act. “The way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, so what better way to show someone you’re thinking of them than with a yummy gift?” Macaluso jokes. “I can say with certainty that it always brings a smile to my face whenever a student surprises me with a sweet treat made with care.” She adds that you could also bring a prepared meal or baked goods to a local fire department, hospital, or senior citizens center. Random acts of kindness don’t have to be extravagant — they just have to come from the heart.

random acts of kindness day with kids cleaning up neighborhood

3. Clean up their community

Consider having them collect and dispose of trash at a local park or public greenway. You can also have them help older folks tidy up their yard or shovel their driveway, if it’s recently snowed. If weather permits, Macaluso also suggests leaving positive messages in sidewalk chalk for frontline workers and first responders in public places. “These thoughtful acts are appropriate any time of year, to spread kindness and joy throughout our communities,” she notes.

4. Express their feelings through words, pictures, or presents

Little ones crave personal connection. Help them reach out to a person they miss by crafting a handwritten letter, creating an original piece of art, or sending flowers. “We live in a time when staying connected to others is easier than ever,” Macaluso says. “No matter the distance, your child can share a heartfelt message or send a handmade gift to let someone know they’re thinking of them.”

5. Thank a favorite helper

Educators play a large role in modeling behavior, too. Encouraging your child to thank the people who make their day great is an easy gesture that goes a long way. Have them write or decorate a thank-you card to their favorite teacher, staff member, or athletic coach to show their appreciation. Macaluso says, “This simple gesture explaining how this person has made a positive impact on their life can instantly lift someone’s spirits.”

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