A Beginner’s Guide to Air Plants

If you’re a plant lover, chances are you’ve heard of air plants. These unique and low-maintenance plants have become quite popular in recent years, and for good reason. Not only are they visually appealing, but they also require very little care and can thrive in a variety of environments.

However, if you’re new to the wonderful world of air plants, you may be wondering about the different types and their specific characteristics. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore the various kinds of air plants and their unique features so you can better educate yourself about these fascinating plants.

types of air plants Tillandsia

An overview of the air plant family

Air plants, known scientifically as tillandsia, are a member of the Bromeliad family. These distinctive plants hail from such diverse locales as the lush forests, towering mountains, and arid deserts of Central and South America.

Boasting more than 650 unique species, tillandsia are a fascinating genus to explore. What makes these plants so extraordinary is their status as epiphytes. This means they can grow and flourish in unlikely places — clinging to other plants, resting on rocks, or even taking up residence on telephone wires! They survive by absorbing water and nutrients not through roots, as most plants do, but directly through their leaves. This unique trait gives them the ability to exist in places other plants can’t and adds to their allure.

Understanding the various types of air plants

Air plants come in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are small enough to sit in the palm of your hand, while others can grow to impressive lengths. Some have soft, feathery leaves, and others bear stiff, spiky foliage. The colors of air plants range from deep green to silver to even red or purple. Popular species include the elegant tillandsia xerographica, with its silvery rosette of wide leaves, the charming tillandsia ionantha, which turns a vibrant red when it’s time to flower, and the intriguing tillandsia tectorum, known for its fuzzy, snow-like coating.

The beauty of blooming air plants

The bloom time of air plants can last anywhere from a few days to a few months. The flowering period is a vital phase in the air plant’s life cycle, signifying the plant reaching maturity and, subsequently, the beginning of a new generation.

Post-blooming, the plant produces pups, or baby plants, from its base. Over time, as the parent plant slowly fades, the new offspring continue to grow, carrying on the life cycle of the species.

3 air plant gift ideas

Growing conditions for different types of air plants

One of the biggest benefits of air plants is the little amount of care and maintenance they require. They enjoy bright but indirect sunlight and are happiest in warm environments, making them ideal candidates for indoor gardening.

When it comes to watering, they need a good soak once a week. The easiest way to water your air plants is to plunge them into a bowl of water for a couple of hours. Once they’ve enjoyed their bath, though, make sure they dry out completely before their next watering session — they do thrive during dry periods, after all.

Air circulation plays a pivotal role in the life of air plants, so keep them in a space that allows good air movement. And be wary of stagnant water around your plants, as this can quickly lead to root rot, their number one nemesis.

One last tip: Although they draw nutrients from their leaves, a monthly dose of fertilizer can give your air plants an extra boost of vitality, keeping them in top-notch condition.

Cultivating a healthy air plant collection

Close up of woman florist wear overalls, spraying air plant till

Nurturing a healthy air plant collection isn’t complicated, but it does require some mindfulness. Observation is key, so keep an eye on your tillandsias and respond promptly to their needs.

Rolled or curled leaves can be a sign of dehydration, in which case, it might be time to increase your watering frequency. But be careful: Leaves that turn brown and mushy are often a sign of overwatering. Finding the right watering balance is crucial to keeping your air plants thriving.

As these plants are natives of tropical and subtropical environments, where humidity is plentiful, consider misting them between waterings to maintain optimal humidity levels.

While these unique plants can survive on air, light, and water alone, a bit of specially formulated air plant fertilizer can supercharge their health and vitality. Use it sparingly, though — you don’t want to overwhelm your plants.

Displaying your air plants creatively

Air plants, since they can grow in a variety of places, offer a world of possibilities when it comes to displaying them. One idea is to suspend them from your ceiling to create a whimsical, living “botanical chandelier.” Another is to attach them to a piece of driftwood or wall-mounted board and, voila, you’ve got a piece of living wall art. Or, grab yourself a glass terrarium and simply nestle your air plants among a mini-landscape of pebbles, moss, and other natural elements.

Remember, though: Whichever way you choose to display them, your air plants have specific light and air needs, and to tend to them accordingly. Also, it’s a good idea to rotate your air plants periodically for even growth.

Get Your Fill of the Philodendron, the 2024 Plant of the Year

Maybe you’re looking to add some color and life to a corner of your living room, bedroom, or kitchen. Or perhaps you want to bring a piece of the vibrant outdoors into your home office. Or maybe you’re looking to recreate the beauty of the rainforest in a home setting or make a bold statement in a retail store or communal workplace.

Whatever the case, when you want a plant that’s visually striking, easy to care for, and will thrive in almost any environment, you can do no better than the humble yet exquisite philodendron — the 1-800-Flowers.com 2024 Plant of the Year!

fy poty zone

A beautiful, tropical climber

One of the most captivating plants around, the philodendron is beloved for its lush, glossy, heart-shaped leaves, lustrous green foliage, and graceful trailing vines. At home either climbing a trellis or moss-wrapped stake, or dangling from a hanging pot, philodendrons possess striking thick emerald and lime green leaves that remain bright all year-round and add an elegant and dynamic presence to any space they occupy.

A member of the Araceae (or Arum) family of plants — which also includes household favorites like the peace lily, Swiss cheese plant, caladium, calla lilypothos, and monstera — philodendrons are native to the temperate, tropical rainforests in the West Indies, Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia. Yet while they may have gotten their start in these regions, philodendrons are now also commonly grown all over the world.

philodendron birkin on stool
Philodendron Birkin
pink princess philodendron on stool
“Pink princess” philodendron

While hundreds of varieties of philodendrons exist, only a handful have been fully promoted to common houseplant status. These include the striking yet compact “blushing” philodendron; the multi-lobed philodendron pedantum; philodendron grazielae, which sports thick, perfectly heart-shaped leaves; philodendron Birkin, which features dark green leaves streaked with lighter shades of pale green and yellow; and the almost metallic-looking philodendron silver sword, a mighty climber requiring a post or other form of support on which to grow. (With its mottled pink and green leaves, the “pink princess” philodendron is another popular showstopper.)

A perfect plant for all experience levels

If you’ve ever struggled to grow a houseplant or cursed your lack of a “green thumb,” then the philodendron is for you.

“One of the very best features of the plant is its low-maintenance nature, which makes it a very popular choice for beginner houseplant aficionados,” says Alfred Palomares, vice president of merchandising at 1-800-Flowers.com and Resident Plant Dad.

kevin cochran

They’re really a ‘water once a week’ kind of plant. They’re exceptionally hard to kill.

kevin cochran

Kevin Cochran, vice president of procurement, 1-800-Flowers.com

“A successful, flourishing philodendron is so easy to grow that it can survive for many years with proper care,” he says. “They’re considered an easy-care plant, provided they are in low or indirect light and are not over-watered. The only thing your plant may eventually need is re-potting, when you see the roots growing out of the bottom or it starts to become root bound.”

In fact, its hardy, easy-to-rear nature is one of the plant’s most redeeming features, says Kevin Cochran, vice president of procurement for 1-800-Flowers.com. Cochran says that because philodendrons are used to living underneath the canopy of trees in Central and South America, they make an incredibly durable, low-light plant for inside the house.

“They could almost survive in a closet,” he says with a laugh.

A ‘lover’ of trees

First described by researchers and scientists in the mid-1600s, the philodendron wasn’t given an official name until about 200 years later, when a group of botanists coined its official designation. The plant’s name derives from the Greek word “philo,” which means “love” or “affection,” and “dendron,” which translates to “tree.” In other words, the philodendron literally means “tree lover” or “tree hugger” because the plant is so fond of climbing or “embracing” trees in its native jungle home.

This fondness for climbing and growing in places other than dirt, Cochran says, is also why philodendrons are considered “epiphytic.” That means that, in addition to growing like a traditional plant in loose topsoil, philodendrons can also grow disconnected from the soil, attached to another structure — like a tree or wall — for support. When philodendrons grow in this way, they get their nutrients and water from rainfall as well as leftover organic remnants pulled from whatever they’re growing on — truly remarkable!

Blooming with symbolism

philodendron leaves closeup

The philodendron has been ascribed many different meanings and aspects of cultural significance over the years. The plants are a classic symbol of nature, growth, and renewal. With their romantic, heart-shaped leaves, philodendrons can also represent the notion of appreciation and love, as well as kindness and openness. And in many cultures, the bright leaves of the plant are also often seen as symbols of peace, growth, and joy, and are used to promote emotional healing for those who might be feeling down or have suffered a loss.

Philodendrons have also been a muse for many well-known artists over the years. Pablo Picasso includes the vining plant in his sculpture “Woman in the Garden” as well as paintings like “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust.” He is just one of a number of artists to become enamored with the charms and wonders the philodendron has to offer.

Grown in the U.S.A.

For many years, growers from Mexico and Latin America would bring philodendrons across the border and sell them at flea markets and roadside stands throughout the Southwestern United States, Cochran says.

Those days, however, are long gone. Today, most philodendrons sold in the U.S. — including those available from 1-800-Flowers.com — are grown in America, he says. These plants tend to be about four to six months old and are propagated through cuttings, not seeds. This technique helps to ensure the plants are all strong and healthy, and feature the most lush and visually striking leaves and coloring possible.

“Most of our philodendrons are grown in greenhouse environments in either central Florida or California, with a few additional plants coming from Canada’s Niagara region, including St. Catharines, a city just over the border,” he adds. “Because they’re grown in greenhouses, we can produce all year-round — and we get amazing plants wherever they’re grown!”

philodendron pink princess

Care and maintenance

Whether you’re a houseplant newbie or an old pro, the philodendron makes an easy companion for anyone who chooses to adopt one.

“They’re really a ‘water once a week’ kind of plant,” Cochran says. “They’re exceptionally hard to kill.”

Palomares agrees, adding, “Philodendrons will grow in low light, but they will flourish in bright indirect light.”

His advice for the most beautiful plants possible: “Avoid direct sunlight; it can burn the leaves of the plant. Don’t over-water, or you can drown the plant. And check the soil of your philodendron weekly with a finger test: If the soil is dry, it needs water, but if the soil is wet, hold off on watering until the following week.

“Finally, if you change the level of sun on the plant, re-check the soil during your weekly watering. Remember that more sun means greater absorption of water.”

Master these few simple and easy-to-follow rules and you’ll have a philodendron that thrives for years to come, brightening your day — and the space you live in — like nothing else quite can.

Memory lane

Take a look back at our previous “Plant of the Year” selections.

17 Types of Succulents That Will Thrive in Your Home

types of succulents with woman holding succulent plant

Succulents are known for their thick, fleshy leaves. After all, the word “succulent” comes from the Latin “succulentus,” which translates to “juicy.” Most of these plants originated in arid conditions, where they needed to hold onto as much moisture as possible, and now can be found along coastlines, high alpine ridges, deserts, and even tucked into tall tree branches in rainforests.

Cacti belong to this family, as does aloe vera and the jewel-green jade plant. While different types of succulents vary in size, growing style, and temperature requirements, they all have evolved to maximize water retention. As such, the quickest way to kill one is by overwatering.

Succulents’ surge in popularity — among boomers and millennials alike — is due in part to economic realities. As housing prices continue to climb, more people find themselves renting or moving frequently, and investing in expensive décor doesn’t make sense when you don’t see yourself in your home or apartment for several years.

Succulents, in contrast, are cost effective, easy to propagate, and some of the hardiest house plants around. They offer an easy way to brighten up your home, and most will continue to thrive even when put through a cross-country move.

Another part of succulents’ appeal is their ease of maintenance. They do well indoors because of consistent air temperatures and a predictable watering schedule. In fact, succulents thrive when left alone, and many are almost as easy to care for as an artificial plant.

In addition, because many of these plants are relatively compact, you can scale your succulent arrangement to fit the size of your space. Display them in tiny pots on the kitchen counter, or even the refrigerator, or invest in a multi-plant plant stand for the back patio.

17 types of succulents to grow at home

Convinced that succulents are the type of house plants for you? If you are, let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular types of succulents.

types of succulents with Common houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) growing in the garden. S

1. Hens and chicks (Sempervivum tectorum)

Popular for a reason, hens and chicks is cold hardy, fast-growing, and drought and heat-resistant. The plant produces clusters of tiny “chicks” around the mother plant that are easy to propagate. Depending on the variety, hens and chicks can stay small or quickly overtake a space. They do best in well-drained soil and thrive in containers.

types of succulents with White Panda Plant Kalanchoe Tomentosa

2. Panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

This fuzzy grey-green succulent is a Madagascar native known for the brown spots on its leaf tips. Give it medium-bright light and let the soil dry out between watering, and it should thrive. Panda plants tend to be slow growers, meaning you can keep them in the same pot long term.

types of succulents with Sedum morganianum

3. Donkey tail (Sedum morganianum)

A showstopper that’s known for fleshy leaves that grow on round tendrils, which cascade over their container, this succulent tends to be more fragile and is better for experienced growers. Give it lots of light and well-drained soil, and protect it from anything that could bump it and knock off its delicate leaves.

types of succulents with Blooming houseplant Christmas cactus Schlumbergera

4. Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii)

Despite its name, the Christmas cactus is perfect indoor décor all year long. It lacks the spikes of its namesake and instead grows flat, glossy leaves that drape over the container. Water it more frequently than most cacti and keep it near a bright window. With some gentle care, you’ll get abundant pink blooms throughout the winter.

types of succulents with Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

5. Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Like the Christmas cactus, Flaming Katies produce bright pink flowers in winter. The blooming season tends to be short lived, but deadheading the plants should maximize flower production. Be gentle around the leaves, as they tend to be brittle.

types of succulents with Cactus Mammillaria bombycina on stony ground in autumn

6. Pincushion cactus (Mammillaria spinosissima)

Native to Mexico and Central America, the pincushion cactus is among the most popular cacti for beginners. Most will stay as small as their pot but can reach over a foot tall in the right conditions. These spikey plants produce delicate pink flowers that turn into an edible berry.

types of succulents snake plant

7. Snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Snake plants are known for their tall, vertical green leaves with yellow variation on the edges. They thrive off minimal attention and are a perfect starter succulent. Place them in a spot with low to medium indirect light and refrain from overwatering, and your plant can attain a height of up to 5 feet tall.

types of succulents with Aloe Vera Plant growth in farm

8. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

As beautiful as it is functional, aloe vera is a squat succulent with thick, fleshy leaves. Cut one of them off, and you can use the sap inside as a soothing salve for burns and rashes. Like many types of succulents, aloe vera is hard to kill so long as you avoid overwatering.

types of succulents with string of pearls

9. String of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

Small, fat leaves encircle dangling stems on the string of pearls, making this succulent’s name obvious. Less obvious is the fact that it’s actually in the daisy family. Though delicate, the plant is easy to propagate and ideal for hanging baskets placed in bright, indirect light.

types of succulents with Close up beautiful green pink Kiwi Aeonium in a botanical garden

10. Aeonium (Aeonium arboretum)

A popular choice in succulent planters, aeoniums grow waxy leaves in a rosebud pattern. These plants branch out quickly by forming offsets from single flowerheads. Dozens of varieties are available, ensuring that bringing a few into your living space will add visual interest. Most are cold hardy and can thrive in the ground or containers.

types of succulents with Haworthiopsis limifolia

11. Fairy washboard (Haworthiopsis limifolia)

Known for its spikey green leaves and distinct white lines, the fairy washboard grows slowly and requires minimal maintenance, making it ideal for a windowsill or small table. Ensure it has bright light and well-drained soil, and this 4-inch stunner should thrive.

types of succulents with Geldbaum Crassula ovata

12. Jade plant (Crassula ovata)

Commonly called the money tree or lucky plant, jade succulents have thick, fleshy leaves that range from dark green to red at the tips. Some get top heavy, so consider pruning or keeping them in a heavy pot. Most are resilient enough to handle a little neglect, making them ideal for beginners.

types of succulents with Acercamiento planta cebra jardin

13. Zebra haworthia (Haworthiopsis attenuata)

The bright white stripes on this jewel-green succulent make it striking in any composition. Staying around 5 inches tall, the zebra haworthia thrives in terrariums. Otherwise, keep it in a space with bright light, and let the soil dry out between waterings.

types of succulents with echeveria

14. Echeveria (Echeveria elegans)

From dusky pink to palest blue, the echeveria comes in an array of show-stopping colors. Each leaf grows in a tight rosette, making it ideal for wide containers. Consider keeping your echeveria indoors as these plants are not frost tolerant and are sensitive to temperature changes.

types of succulents with Sedum

15. Sedum (Sedum)

This low-growing evergreen perennial is actually a family of 600 species. It’s an excellent ground cover in USDA zones 3 and lower. Sedum can also be grown in containers as a trailing plant. Keep it in a bright space, and wait for the soil to dry out between waterings. One plant can quickly propagate into many, making sedum an excellent value.

types of succulents with Angel Wings cactus

16. Bunny ear cactus (Opuntia microdasys)

As cute as a cartoon character, the bunny ear cactus will often grow two matching pads that resemble ears. In nature, it can reach up to 2 feet high. However, lower-light conditions indoors will restrict its size to a more manageable level.

types of succulents with Ponytail palm beginning to flower

17. Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Despite their name, ponytail palms belong in the succulent family. They grow slowly but can top 4 feet indoors (and well over 15 feet outside!). The plants produce tufts of leaves on top of thick, woody trunks with a swollen base where they store water. That’s the reason for its other common name — elephant’s foot. Due to its forgiving nature, this mini tree is an excellent indoor choice for beginners.

How to Decorate With Plants: Plant Kween Shares Their Best Tips

decorating with plants plant kween holding a plant

Interior decorating: Fun for some, overwhelming for others. Once you have the basics down — Color palette? Check. Layered textures? Check. Patterns and prints? Check. A mix of high/low, and vintage/modern furniture pieces? Check. — then it’s time to invite your friends over and get the party started. Right? Not just yet. The missing element that can truly create a living space is actually, well, living. And we’re not talking about pets.

There’s an art, and plenty of science, to decorating with plants. It’s not just about filling a corner with a palm in a pot. We asked an expert, Brooklyn-based “plantfluencer” Christopher Griffin (they/them) — also known as Plant Kween, lover of plants, fashion, and wellness — to guide us through the process and share some very loose rules for how to enliven your space with these living, breathing, beautiful creatures.

Why decorate with plants?

“It’s important to see the process of bringing plants into a home as more than simply decorating,” Griffin says. “Yes, they’re good for our mental health,” they point out, but “plants also provide us the opportunity to reconnect with nature and ourselves, especially in urban environments, and especially if you don’t have access to green areas where you live.” Plus, research has shown that plants are natural air purifiers, so they literally can help clean the air around us.

plant kween mug

‘Decorating’ is a limiting word. This is a bigger process than that. You’re bringing nature into your home. Be curious and willing to learn.

Christopher griffin, aka plant kween

Griffin’s first plant was a marble queen pothos, which they purchased from their local hardware store when they felt their new apartment was missing something. Some 230 specimens later, they have built a 400K following on Instagram based on the idea that plants really do bring life into your home — even if you live alone.

And just as we can express ourselves through decorating, we can also use plants to showcase our style and personalities. “Our gardens can be extensions of our ‘inner gardens,'” Griffin says. “They can be a pathway to self-care.”

How to choose the right plant, room by room

First, understand that you can’t just ask what the plants can do for your space but instead what your space can do for your plants. “Think of the plant first,” Griffin says. That means considering humidity level, temperature, the type of light a room gets (natural or artificial), among other factors. “Then research each plant and match their natural habitat to your environment as much as possible.”

For example, a ZZ plant is light flexible, so it can be placed in many different locations in your space. Orchids are epiphytic, meaning they grow not in the ground but on other plants, and, therefore, can be mounted or even planted outside on the branches of trees. An aloe vera plant is pretty hardy and resilient, so if you’ve got a bad track record with plants, this one might be for you. “You want the plant to stay alive instead of going to that little botanical garden in the sky,” Griffin says.

decorating with plants plant kween posing with plants

They also suggest looking at the function of a room. For example, a bathroom, where hot showers happen daily, tends to have lots of humidity. Which plants thrive in this environment? Air plants, bromeliads, and ferns. “I like to make a little jungle in there,” they say. Or try a mini kitchen garden of herbs that you can pluck from when you’re cooking. In a bedroom, “think of some of NASA’s top-ranking, air-purifying plants so you can breathe in the most delicious oxygen during the night, like snake plants.” In other words, “play matchmaker” with plants and the form and function of a space.

Plants in (unexpected) situ

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When it comes to placing plants around your home, don’t be afraid to stray from the norm. Griffin has a utility cart to wheel their plants in front of a sunny window. A bar cart is another idea. “In big cities, where space is a commodity, you may want to go vertical.” To that end, Griffin installed shelves in their Brooklyn apartment, so a lot of plants are on the walls. “They’re my living, breathing pieces of artwork shining all their lushness,” they say. “Bromeliads, air plants, staghorn ferns…you can literally hang them from a wall.”

They also suggest hanging plants from the ceiling or growing a vine along a wall, such as a pothos, spider plant, or philodendron, or letting ivy grow inside from outdoors.

Once you’ve placed your plants, then adjust. “Take some time to see how the plant likes its new space and then decide if you need to make any changes, like getting a humidifier or a grow light, or changing the placement.”

Texture is an element of interior plant design

Another factor to consider is what you want the feel of a space to be. If you’re going for softness, then blooming plants ought to be high on your list. A more spare, arid vibe should lead you to desert euphorbia, cacti, and succulents, Griffin says.

Griffin also suggests playing with plants of varying textures to create a totally original setup. Rules, after all, are meant to be broken. “It’s fun to mix and match plants that don’t usually grow together,” they say. “I kind of mix them all together to create an eclectic bunch of my ‘green gurls.'”

decorating with plants plant kween holding a snake plant in each hand

Consider plants of varying heights

Part optical illusion, part practicality, height does matter when decorating with plants. “I’m really short, so a lot of plants seem really tall to me,” jokes Griffin, who says the tallest plant they have is about 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Taller plants make a space feel smaller, and smaller plants have the opposite effect. “To make my space feel bigger, I go with shorter plants. If I had a larger space with higher ceilings, I would have higher plants,” Griffin says.

If you’re in the latter camp, a baby rubber plant might be a good choice. If the former, and you have high ceilings, a fiddle leaf fig — which can reach 10 feet in height — might be the perfect complement to your space.

Coordinating plants and decorating styles

Does the plant style need to match your décor? “Honestly, that’s the beauty of plants: You can dress them up and place them to fit any kind of home décor or ambience you are going for,” Griffin says. He cites the show “Golden Girls” (though he insists every plant on the set was fake), saying the monstera plant in their residence “fit the Florida vibe.” But that same species looks amazing in Griffin’s friend’s Brooklyn apartment that is decked out in a classic vintage maximalist style. “Plants are very flexible when it comes to the ambience and décor in our homes.” Griffin says.

Placement is another example of plants’ versatility. Try a money tree in front of a wall painted in a solid bold color for one look, or camouflaged with a leafy green jungle wallpaper behind it for a different feeling. “Just like the Pokémon character Ditto, plants can be whatever you want them to be,” Griffin says.

“’Decorating’ is a limiting word,” Griffin says. “This is a bigger process than that. You’re bringing nature into your home. Be curious and willing to learn.”

Plant Kween’s decorating picks

There’s a whole world of plants to choose from when it comes to decorating your home or apartment. Here are a few of Griffin’s favorites.

Meet Plant Kween, the Brooklyn-based Gardener Who’s Changing the Plant Parenting Game

plant kween interview with pk with plant

Growing up in Philadelphia, Christopher Griffin (they/them) learned about the power and beauty of nature from their great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother — all of whom passed their love of horticulture on to them. Today, Griffin, aka Plant Kween, has more than 370K followers on Instagram, where they post updates about plant tours, shopping excursions, and tips on garden care and cultivation. The account is a window into the life of Plant Kween, who uses nature enthusiastically and daily to learn about and nurture themselves, and ultimately grow.

We caught up with Griffin to learn about their sprawling plant collection, why it’s important for queer and trans people of color to connect with nature, and tips on waking up the plant parent in all of us.

Why is nature essential to human well-being?

From the air we breathe to the food we eat, we would not be here without plants. It’s important people understand that. Also, with the way technology has uprooted us — all puns intended — it has taken us away from the basic simple beauties that nature puts before us. Bringing nature into your home is a lovely way to reconnect with that simple beauty.

How should we care for nature inside our homes and workspaces?

Do the proper research and look up the natural habitats of the plants you bring home. Are they used to growing on trees or in the shade? Try to mimic that scene for the plant, such as humidity and sunlight. Also, make sure the plant has proper room to spread its roots. They need room. And practice patience, trust in yourself, and in the plant as well.

Have you ever had a hard time with a particular plant?

I went through many fiddle-leaf figs (ficus lyrata); she’s known to be a very moody queen in the plant world, but I don’t consider her moody. She’s a queen that knows what she likes, and if you’re not going to give it to her, she’ll drop her leaves. I struggled with that plant; I kept moving her around, and she didn’t like it. She couldn’t establish herself. Many of mine are in the little botanical garden in the sky.

Plants remind us of the different ways we need to care for ourselves. We need room to grow, water, sunlight, air — I incorporate those elements into my every day.

Plant Kween

What are some tips for becoming a great plant parent?

Have a sense of curiosity. You’re caring for something living and breathing that has a history. Be curious; learn about that plant, but also learn about yourself.

For me, I over water — that’s how I kill most of my plants. I realized I’m an over-nurturer; I learned too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, so I had to adjust.

You’ve killed plants? Don’t you have a green thumb?

I don’t believe in the green thumb myth — it’s an anxiety-provoking phrase. People feel you must have these “skills” to take care of plants. That’s not true. You just have to allow yourself to learn.

What advice do you have for someone who is feeling stressed about caring for a particular plant?

It’s a natural feeling to have; some plants are just difficult to care for.

I would encourage them to reassess. Maybe that plant is just not the plant for your space, or maybe it was not going to survive no matter what you did. I have over 225 plants, but I’m not going to even count how many plants I’ve had that trial-and-error moment with.

If a plant is stressing you out, give it away. Give it to a person who is equipped with better space or more time. I’ve given tons of plants away. I check on them, and they’re all doing great.

Research shows that talking to your plants helps them grow. Do you talk to your plants. If so, what kinds of conversations do you have with them?

Yes, I do talk to my plants sometimes, but it’s more for me than for my plants, like a motivational talk. “You are growing, girls!” It’s a reminder that I can keep growing, too; I’m like a medium having a conversation with myself.

They say the same thing about playing music for your plants. Research suggests there are soundwaves that impact the cellular interaction of the plants, which may help them grow. The more probable thing is a person speaking or playing music is providing top-level care for their plants.

fy plantkween blog x

Do your plants talk back? Or communicate with you?

All the time. [People] are basically houseplants with complex emotions, so a lot of things plants go through, we go through, too. Sometimes our plants get stagnant, and they stop growing — same with us. We all need room to grow. Sometimes plants need to let go of yellowing leaves and concentrate their energy elsewhere, like us. My plants speak to me, and it’s important for me to listen.

What do your plants say to you?

They tell me when they need water — that’s when they wilt. Certain plants are literally screaming at me: “Girl, I need a drink!” I investigate what are the better ways I can care for this plant, and then I do it.

How is your love for plants related to fashion or your lifestyle?

I am a person who is really inspired by the different leaf shapes of particular plants, so sometimes I use that for fashion inspiration, like a silhouette I want to wear. But on a deeper level, when you’re caring for plants in your home, there’s an appreciation for what the earth is providing. I’ve changed some of my own behaviors around sustainability and how I can be better for the planet, because I understand how fragile nature can be.

plant kween hero

How are plants part of a wellness routine?

Studies show plants reduce our level of anxiety and stress. I have been navigating anxiety for most of my life, and plants have provided me with an opportunity to just sit still. Gardening is my meditation, so every day I interact with my plants in a very intentional way.

I’m a routine queen. I love my routine; it helps me feel grounded. Plants remind us of the different ways we need to care for ourselves. We need room to grow, water, sunlight, air — I incorporate those elements into my every day.

How are you and plants creating conversation in the QTPOC (queer and trans people of color) space?

As a Black person, and understanding some of the historical trauma that Black folks have experienced with nature, in times of slavery, it’s a reclaiming and reimagining of what that interaction can look like for me. And as a queer, non-binary person who is constantly reimagining and redefining my place in this world, my plants give me space for rest, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Plus, there’s the need for Black, queer, non-binary joy, and plants are my way to experience joy.

With regard to representation, I remember when I started the PlantKween Instagram account, I didn’t put myself in the picture. Then I started looking around the digital community and realized there can always be more Black, queer, non-binary, and trans folks engaging with horticulture. We deserve representation and visibility in these spaces.

fy plantkween blog x

What are some of your favorite plants?

I love succulents, mainly because there are so many different varieties in all parts of the world, which speaks to their resiliency. Another fave is, obviously, the pothos, and, in particular, the variegated version, marble queen pothos, my very first plant. And monstera deliciosa, aka the Swiss cheese plant. I have a 30-year-old one near and dear to my heart, and it has been growing wonderfully.

What are some care tips for the 2023 Plant of the Year, the calathea rattlesnake?

Calatheas are known to be queens that will brown very easily on the tips. So, my number one tip for taking care of them is to make sure they are in a humid place. Calathea are understory plants (plants that grow naturally in low-light conditions); they’re used to those humid, shaded environments. A bathroom, or any room with a humidifier, is a wonderful place for that plant. Be mindful of how you water it, too, as it may need more water than other plants.

You live in Brooklyn, where space is often limited. Do you have any advice on how plant lovers can turn their small spaces into their own personal oasis?

Get creative. I encourage folks to take time with their space. When I moved into mine, I ordered pizza and sat on the floor and mapped out the space, just watched the sun move through the space. It was so peaceful, calm, and meditative.

Get to know your space. Where are the heaters? The AC? The cold drafts? The warm drafts? Is there central air? For smaller spaces, go vertical. I put up all this shelving in my space and applied grow lights where I didn’t have a lot of lighting. I put plants on a utility cart. Get creative, have fun, and don’t stress out. That’s how to reinvigorate the plant parent within you.

13 Easy Indoor Flowers and Plants for Winter

When the winter chill sets in and outside plants are dormant or faded, decorating with houseplants is a cheerful way to brighten your home. Keeping them healthy and happy in the reduced sunlight and low household humidity during the winter months, however, can be challenging. But don’t despair: Some plants will do well in spite of the dry, lower-light conditions in the house.

Why do some plants thrive in the house and others do not? It comes down to adaptability. Each plant is unique in its needs, and the most adaptable ones will grow in a wide range of conditions. If you can just supply the basics of light, warmth, good watering practices, and increased humidity, you should be able to grow beautiful plants over the winter months.

Here are 13 flowering and foliage plants that do well in most households even when the weather outdoors turns cold.

Flowering plants

1. Poinsettia

winter indoor plants with poinsettia

The handsome poinsettia is a perennial shrub native to Mexico and Central America, where it blooms in the winter along stream banks and moist hillsides. It was introduced to the United States floral industry in the early 1800s and has become a popular decorative and gift plant during the Christmas season. Poinsettia’s original colors are red bracts and dark green leaves, but it has been hybridized to have other colors as well, such as white, salmon, pink, and yellow.

Indoors, they do best in six to eight hours a day of bright, indirect light and in average household temperatures, from 65 to 75 degrees. Poinsettias also appreciate some humidity, and they should be watered when the surface of the soil becomes dry.

2. Cyclamen

winter indoor plants with cyclamen

Cyclamen’s pretty heart-shaped, patterned leaves and white, violet, pink, or red nodding flowers make them popular houseplants during the winter and gifts for Valentine’s Day. They bloom from November through March and are native to Europe and the eastern Mediterranean.

Like many houseplants, cyclamen do best in bright, indirect light and average household temperatures that are on the cool side, between 60 and 70 degrees. They don’t do well in drafts or low humidity, so it’s important to boost the humidity with a pebble tray or humidifier. Water when the soil is dry an inch down from the top, making sure to keep the leaves and crown of the plant dry. In the late spring and summer, when cyclamen go dormant, water sparingly, and move the plant to a darker location until it revives in the fall.

3. Christmas cactus

winter indoor plants with christmas cactus

Natives of the Brazilian rainforests, Christmas cacti have flattened, segmented leaves that grow in an arching shape, making them excellent hanging pot plants. The late fall and winter flowers are usually red but can be pink, white, purple, or shades of yellow. They are the quintessential winter holiday plant.

Christmas cacti are usually in bloom when they’re for sale; to rebloom, they need diffused light for 11 hours a day and 13 hours of total darkness starting in September. They will be fine in average household temperatures, but may suffer if exposed to hot or cold drafts, and may drop their buds and flowers. Since Christmas cacti are rainforest plants, they love humidity and would do well on a pebble tray with daily misting, or with a humidifier. Water them thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry before watering again.

4. Kalanchoe (Flaming Katy)

winter indoor plants with Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe, or flaming Katy, is a succulent native to Madagascar and tropical Africa. It is a cheerful indoor plant for the winter, with the shortening daylight hours triggering it to bloom in clusters of red, salmon, or pink against its scalloped leaves.

Kalanchoe is easygoing, and will grow and bloom well in very bright, indirect light and in average household temperatures and humidity. Since it is a succulent, water it only when the soil is dry.

5. Bromeliads

winter indoor plants with Bromeliads

There are many types of bromeliads, native to tropical America, that make unique additions to a winter houseplant collection. Their exotic flowers come in all shapes and colors, including red, yellow, orange, and sometimes blue, and they have interesting foliage, too, with solid green, gray, striped, banded, or rainbow-colored leaves.

Bromeliads are easy to grow indoors. Give them bright to moderate indirect light, warm temperatures of 60 to 85 degrees, and 60% humidity, if possible. A pebble tray or humidifier would be helpful for these plants. Water them in their “cups,” which are formed from the overlapping leaves. Tiny air plants like bromeliads should be soaked upside-down for an hour in water once a week.

6. Orchids

winter indoor plants with orchids

The orchid, the 2023 Flower of the Year, is an elegant member of the flower kingdom and is native to every continent but Antarctica. The species most often available for sale in Europe and the U.S. are phalaenopsis and dendrobium, both of which come in a range of colors. Given their striking beauty, one might assume that orchids would be difficult plants to grow, but they are actually quite easy and can be excellent indoor plants for the winter.

For orchids to thrive and bloom, give them plenty of bright, indirect light and temperatures between 50 and 90 degrees. They do need a chunky potting mix that provides good air circulation around their roots and require water only once a week. It is well to boost your room’s humidity to between 40% and 70% with pebble trays or a humidifier.

7. Anthuriums

winter indoor plants with Anthuriums

The anthurium‘s vivid red flower head shining against heart-shaped dark green leaves makes it a bright addition to a sunny winter room. Native to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, anthurium has become a beloved holiday and Valentine’s Day plant.

As with so many other tropical houseplants, anthuriums love bright, indirect light, warm temperatures (65 to 85 degrees), and above-average household humidity that can be increased with a pebble tray. Water when the top of the soil is dry.

Foliage plants

8. Snake plant

winter indoor plants with snake plant

The handsome snake plant, with its sword-like, patterned leaves, is a native of tropical West Africa. Its many varieties range from short to tall, with different combinations of stripes and mottling of white, cream, green, and yellow on the leaves. It is an excellent houseplant because it requires very little care and is tolerant of household conditions any time of year.

A snake plant will happily grow in almost any amount of light, in 70- to 90-degree temperatures, and needs only infrequent watering. Although it’s nearly indestructible, a snake plant does not like hot or cold drafts, or being over-watered.

9. Jade plant

winter indoor plants with jade plant

The jade plant is a perfect indoor plant for the winter. A succulent shrub native to Africa, it can grow up to six feet tall. Jade’s oval, fleshy leaves and branching habit resembling a small tree make it an attractive addition to a room.

For this plant to develop a pleasing shape, it needs at least six hours of bright light out of the direct sun’s rays. Normal household temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees and 30% to 50% humidity are fine. Jade likes its soil to be consistently moist but never soggy. Be sure to supply an excellent-draining potting mix so that it will not retain excess water.

10. Succulents

winter indoor plants with succulents

Cute, curious succulents are all the rage, and for good reason. They are easy to grow, given the right conditions, and are usually quite small. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, and can be displayed in a delightful array of pots, terrariums, and planters. Succulents come from arid and semi-arid areas of the world, such as Africa, Mexico, and Central America, and they are resilient, drought-resistant plants.

They do need enough light, though. In their natural habitats, they live at the base of taller plants, so they get bright light but not direct sun. Position your succulents so that they get maximum light away from the sun’s scorching rays. They are tolerant of average household temperatures and humidity, and only need to be watered when their soil is dry, or about once a month. Make sure the water drains out of the pot so that the roots are not sitting in moisture, and use a potting mix that is light and well draining.

11. ZZ plant

winter indoor plants with zz plant

The odd name of the ZZ plant comes from its scientific name, Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It is native to the dry grasslands and forests of East Africa, and has a distinctive, prehistoric look, with dark green, leathery, compound leaves growing up from its rhizomes (stems that grow underground).

Although it is tolerant of various amounts of light, the low-maintenance ZZ plant does best in bright but not direct light, the former of which could scorch its leaves. It will grow well in average household temperatures and humidity, and only needs water when the soil has completely dried out.

12. Pothos

winter indoor plants with pothos

Beautiful, trailing pothos is one of the easiest plants to grow in the house any season of the year. It comes in many variegated forms, with yellow, white, or light green patterns decorating its heart-shaped, pointed leaves. Native to the Solomon Islands of the South Pacific, pothos will naturally grow up to 40 feet long in the wild. With support, it will reach 20 to 30 feet in length indoors, although a hanging pot will usually keep it much shorter.

The beautiful variegation that is so prized in pothos will revert to all green if not given enough light. Medium to bright indirect light and average household temperatures are best. Water when the soil is dry. Although tolerant of low household humidity, pothos prefer a more humid environment, so rooms like the kitchen or bathroom are good places to put your plant.

13. Aglaonema

winter indoor plants with Aglaonema

Also known as Chinese evergreens, aglaonemas come in a large number of delightful colors that have made them popular low-maintenance indoor plants. Their oval leaves shine with green, red, pink, silver, or white patterns that brighten up a room. Aglaonemas are native to warm forest floors of the Philippines and northeastern Sulawesi, an Indonesian island.

As with other variegated plants, the lighter the leaf, the more sun is required. Light-colored aglaonemas need bright, indirect light, but darker-leaved ones can grow happily in moderate light away from the window. They do like warmth, 70 degrees or above, and high humidity. Locate them in a room with higher humidity, like the kitchen or bathroom, or set them on a pebble tray or near a humidifier. Water thoroughly when the soil has dried out, making sure the water drains completely out of the pot.

Meet the 2023 Plant of the Year: Calathea Rattlesnake

There’s something very special about this plant. It brings a lot of joy and positivity to your well-being.

alfred palomares

Vice president of merchandising and Resident Plant Dad


Photo of Alfred Palomares, 1-800-Flowers.com's resident plant dad

Interest in houseplants and indoor gardening spiked during the pandemic as people sought creative and nurturing ways to spend their time that bring them a sense of peace and joy. 

1-800-Flowers.com believes that trend will continue in the upcoming year, even as our lives return to normal. The brand’s choice for the 2023 Plant of the Year, the calathea rattlesnake, embodies that hopeful outlook and the feeling that a brighter future awaits us. 

The calathea rattlesnake (scientific name: Goeppertia insignis) is a fascinating plant with interesting attributes that indoor gardeners would enjoy. Its pointed, lance-shaped leaves undulate slightly with green-on-green ellipses, giving it a reptilian look. In the evening, when the sun goes down, the calathea folds its leaves upward, revealing its rich burgundy undersides, and then folds them back down in the morning light. 

“The calathea rattlesnake symbolizes turning over a new leaf and a new beginning in 2023,” says Alfred Palomares, vice president of merchandising and Resident Plant Dad at 1-800-Flowers.com. “Because of its nature, its movement, and its unique sort of language, there’s something very special about this plant. It brings a lot of joy and positivity to your well-being.” 

calathea rattlesnake in decor

Calathea rattlesnake plant facts 

This beautiful calathea is native to the rainforests of Brazil and is a tropical evergreen perennial that spreads by underground runners. Its long, wavy-edged leaves with light and dark patterns and reddish-purple undersurfaces are reminiscent of a rattlesnake, hence its common name. 

Calathea rattlesnake plants, like prayer plants, close their leaves at night and open them in the morning to maximize their exposure to available sunlight. They do this by changing the water pressure in nodes at the base of their leaves and in their stems. Growing outdoors in tropical and subtropical areas, they will produce clusters of small, yellow flowers, but as houseplants, they rarely bloom. 

The calathea rattlesnake is a lovely plant for the home or office due to its eye-catching looks and compact stature; it rarely grows higher than 20 inches. 

Calathea rattlesnake in décor 

Despite what its name connotes, the calathea rattlesnake gives off quite the pleasing aura. The plant, a new addition to the 1-800-Flowers.com Plant Shop, represents good luck and positivity, and it brings a refreshing, natural vibe into a room — especially one with a lot of neutrals in it. “It really adds a pop of color,” Palomares says. 

Plants that have a mossy green hue, like the calathea, are trending in the marketplace, according to Palomares, with people looking to fill their homes with fewer synthetic-looking pieces and more with elements that look like they come from the earth. “This is a plant that feels very fresh and organic,” he says. 

Between the neutral container and the plant’s combination of soft greens, rich striping on the variegated leaves, and burgundy coloring on its undersides, the calathea rattlesnake is a true conversation starter. 

“It’s one of those decor elements that your guests are going to come over and talk to you about,” Palomares says. 

calathea rattlesnake leaves
calathea rattlesnake care

Caring for a rattlesnake calathea 

In its native Brazilian rainforests, the calathea rattlesnake is an understory plant that needs moderate indirect or filtered light. Strong, direct sunlight will burn its sensitive leaves, so position your plant near a window that does not get direct sun, or in the interior of a room that gets some bright light. 

It also needs warm temperatures and plenty of humidity to thrive. The ideal environment for a calathea rattlesnake is between 65 and 75° F. Be sure to keep the plant away from hot or cold drafts emanating from heaters, fireplaces, or air conditioner vents, or cold, drafty windows. As they prefer humid conditions, you should mist your calathea daily, and set it on a pebble tray near other plants or use a humidifier if you have one. Another option is to keep your plant in an area of the house with high humidity, such as the bathroom or kitchen, if there is enough light. 

Water your calathea rattlesnake to keep it evenly moist but not so much that it gets soggy and waterlogged. When it is actively growing in spring and summer, water it when the very top of the soil is dry. When its growth slows in the winter, water it when the soil is dry down half an inch from the top. Allow the water to run out of the drainage holes and then discard the excess water. Fertilize your plant every month during the spring and summer with an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer per instructions. 

A calathea rattlesnake is not a plant you can neglect — and that is part of its charm. The more love you give it, the more love it will give you back. As a plant parent, the calathea rewards your efforts in helping it grow and spread its beautiful leaves, and, in turn, fills you with a feeling of happiness and fulfillment. 

poty blog

Learning to Care for Your First Orchid

The orchid is a flower that exemplifies elegance. This tropical beauty worked Europeans into a hysteria known as Orchideliruim in the 1800s, during which it became fashionable to pay premium prices at auction for the blossoms.

Today, centuries of careful breeding practices have made this once-rare flower accessible to any indoor plant lover. Are you considering adding an orchid to your plant collection? This article will teach you about orchid care, as well as interesting facts about this flower, its origins, and the different types of orchids.

What is an orchid?

Having flourished since the time of the dinosaurs, orchids are considered one of the largest and oldest plant families on the planet. More than 30,000 unique species of orchids are found worldwide, and modern breeding practices have resulted in an additional 150,000 hybrids.

Orchid 4

What sets orchids apart from most flowers is their growing strategy. Orchids don’t grow in the soil but rather are epiphytes (air plants) that root themselves to trees and rocks. There, they capture water and nutrients from the surrounding air with their exposed roots.

Today, wild orchids face environmental threats due to pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change, to the point that many varieties are at risk of extinction. For these reasons, you should avoid purchasing wild-harvested plants and only buy orchids from legitimate vendors. This lets you enjoy their beauty at home without compromising the ones that remain in the wild.

Orchid myths and color meanings

Orchids are associated with a lot of symbolism. This elegant flower has long been linked to ideas of love, thoughtfulness, and fertility. The color you choose is believed to carry certain significance, especially when given as a gift.

  • Blue: Peace, beauty, and tranquility
  • White: Innocence, reverence, and humility
  • Purple: Respect, admiration, and royalty
  • Pink: Femininity, charm, and grace
  • Yellow: Joy and friendship
  • Green: Health, nature, and financial good fortune
  • Orange: Pride, enthusiasm, and having fun

While this symbolism is fun to consider, the right orchid color for you will always be the one you love the most. Don’t limit your selection based on these color connotations! Instead, consider the care instructions and traits of different varieties.

Orchid varieties

Below are the three most common types of beginner-friendly orchids available.


Considered a symbol of health and prosperity, this Southeast Asian native produces flowers in a range of colors and patterns, and tends to blossom in slightly cooler weather. It’s one of the most popular orchids due to its large flowers and ease of care, and it comes in purple, white, and blue varieties.


This orchid variety hails from Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, and is considered a symbol of wisdom and beauty. Wild dendrobiums usually bloom in the early spring to mid-summer and are available in various colors, including yellow, brown, pink, and purple.

It’s a robust grower and will send up new flower canes every year. But, unlike other varieties, you shouldn’t trim the spent flower stems of this orchid until there are three or more in a pot.


You can find this delicate orchid growing throughout North and South America, where it blooms from spring to fall. Oncidium is a diverse family that thrives in a vast range of habitats. Many varieties have names that sound as dynamic as their coloration, including tiger crow, wildcat, dancing lady, and ram’s head.

Pay close attention to the care instructions for your chosen variety, as they can vary significantly from one to the next.

How to care for an orchid plant

You can best enjoy orchids at home by staying mindful of their tropical origins. They do well when grown in pots of bark or moss that mimic the tree branches they call home in the wild, and most varieties need lots of filtered light. Placing them in east-facing windows is ideal, as it exposes them to early morning light that’s not too harsh. If you only have south- or west-facing windows, place a sheer or thin sheet over your orchids to protect them from the strong rays of the sun.

orchid care with woman caring for white orchid

Keep your flowers at temperatures between 65° and 90° F, being careful not to place your orchids in the path of a vent or draft. Provide them with a balanced fertilizer (20-20-20 ratio is recommended) every few weeks. Most need to be watered every five to seven days, though the roots should stay moist in between.

Alfred Palomares, VP, merchandising at 1-800-Flowers.com, offers a helpful trick to keeping orchids properly watered. “Add three ice cubes a week for a full-size orchid,” he says. “The key is to ensure the growing medium does not get dry and, at the same time, make sure the roots do not sit in water. This can lead to root rot.”

Under proper conditions, you can expect each bloom to last two months or longer before fading. Once the flower is finished, cut its stem back to about an inch above the planting line and continue watering as usual. The orchid is entering a temporary resting stage, during which it will start to stockpile energy before producing the next bloom. Care for it like normal, and the flower stalk should soon grow back.

Some orchid species, such as phalaenopsis, do best when replanted every few years. Others get stressed when their roots are moved, so make sure you understand the specific requirements for your variety before considering upgrading your pot.

How to care for cut orchids

If your orchids arrive in a box, take them out and cut one inch off the bottom of each stem on a slant with clean, sharp scissors or shears. This gives the stems more surface area to draw up water and ensures that the flowers will stay well hydrated. Orchids arriving in a vase will already be cut on an angle and shouldn’t need to be recut right away.

Fill a clean vase with water three-fourths of the way to the top, then add the packet of flower food to the water before arranging the flowers in the vase.

You can make your own food for several changes of water with this little recipe:

orchid care with cutting stems
  • 3/4 teaspoon household bleach
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

This recipe is for one quart of water. The bleach will keep the water clear and bacteria free, the lemon juice stabilize the acidity of the water, and the sugar will provide food for the flowers.

To keep your orchids fresh for as long as possible, follow these four simple steps:

  1. Change the water every two to four days and add more flower food each time. If the water begins to get cloudy, change it immediately.
  2. Recut each stem on an angle each time you change the water.
  3. Discard any flowers that have faded and are past their prime.
  4. Keep the orchids in a cool environment (65° F to 72° F) out of direct sunlight. At night, put them in the coolest room of the house out of the way of drafts from heating or cooling vents.

5 Green House Plants That Are Easy to Grow

If you’re looking for a way to revamp your home, consider the appeal of a green house plant. For a small investment, house plants offer a host of incredible and tangible benefits.

From acting as natural air filters to increasing productivity to helping patients recover from surgery faster, plants can do so much to improve your well-being. Research even shows that filling indoor spaces with plants can lift your mood while lowering your stress levels.

In short, if you care for a house plant, it will take care of you.

Easy-care plants to grow indoors

Not sure which indoor plant to commit to? Consider adding one of the following varieties to your home to create a personal sanctuary.

houseplants with maidenfair fern

1. Maidenhair ferns will brighten up your home

The maidenhair fern is a North American native that boasts feather-like foliage in a light-green hue. While it thrives in moist, shaded gardens, it’s also an ideal indoor container plant.

Keep your fern in a shaded location and away from a direct heat source. These plants are slightly fussy about their soil quality and do best with a more alkaline pH, so consider adding ground limestone to the potting mix. They also don’t take well to being replanted, so make sure you choose a container the first time.

Maidenhair ferns need to stay moist, so plan to mist it daily in addition to watering it regularly.

2. Pothos are perfect for new plant parents

House plant novices love the pothos plant for its easy care and the big statement it makes. This tropical native loves living indoors and thrives in low-light conditions, making it ideal for anyone who lacks a green thumb. In fact, it’s renowned for surviving neglect with minimal signs of stress.

Pothos plants grow bright green, heart-shaped leaves on trailing vines that can be trimmed or left long. Many people like to display them on shelves so that their cascading leaves become part of the décor. Just keep in mind that pothos’ leaves are poisonous to both humans and pets, and should stay out of reach of small children.

You don’t need to worry much about soil quality or watering levels, although pothos should be kept out of direct sunlight. If you see signs of yellowing, withering leaves, consider increasing your watering levels.

As your plant grows, you may need to repot it into a larger container to keep the roots healthy.

houseplants with pothos


houseplants with boston fern

3. Enjoy easy maintenance with Boston ferns

The Boston fern is beloved for its frilly foliage and low-maintenance care. It makes a perfect hanging plant because it rarely needs to be messed with. Place the fern where it will get plenty of indirect sunlight, water when the soil feels dry, and treat its leaves to a daily misting to keep everything green.

You can also use this versatile ornamental as decoration for your outdoor balcony as long as temperatures stay above 55 degrees.

4. Make a statement with calathea

Add some interest to your home décor with a statement plant like the calathea. This popular variety of prayer plant hails from the Brazilian tropics and thrives in low-light conditions. Plant enthusiasts prize it for foliage that features dramatic stripes and color variations that seem to change with the lighting.

Though some varieties of calathea have a reputation for being temperamental, amateur growers should do fine so long as they monitor their plants for signs of stress. Keep your calathea in a space with indirect light and relatively high humidity. It’s vital that you never let the soil dry out thoroughly. Placing the pot over a tray filled with water and pebbles can suffice (but watch for root rot), and you can boost the humidity further by grouping multiple plants together.

green houseplants with calathea
green houseplants with english ivy

5. Add some charm with English Ivy

Capture the charm of a countryside cottage by decorating with English ivy. This climbing plant is often grown outside but does well indoors in as well.

For best results, keep it away from south-facing windows and other direct sunlight exposure, and let the soil dry thoroughly between waterings. Small amounts of house plant fertilizer will help the ivy retain its bright coloring, but don’t use any during times of temperature extremes, when the plant is already stressed.

As English Ivy is a prodigious grower, plan on frequent pruning to keep it under control. You can also start new plants from cuttings rooted in water.

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