Buzzing for Change: 5 Ways You Can Help Save the Bees

Bees, those tiny yet mighty creatures, play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They are responsible for pollinating a significant portion of the world’s crops, including fruitsvegetables, and nuts. Unfortunately, bees face numerous challenges today, such as habitat loss, pesticide exposure, climate change, and disease. As concerned individuals, we can all contribute to the conservation of these vital pollinators — both on National Honey Bee Day (this year celebrated on Aug. 19) and year-round.

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Here are five actionable ways you can help save the bees and ensure a more sustainable future for our planet.

1. Plant bee-friendly gardens

Creating a bee-friendly garden is one of the most effective ways to support these incredible pollinators. Incorporate native plants and flowers that provide nectar and pollen throughout the year. Opt for a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes to attract different bee species. Some excellent choices include lavendersunflowers, wildflowers, and herbs like thyme and rosemary. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides, as they can harm bees and other beneficial insects. Instead, consider natural alternatives or embrace organic gardening practices.

2. Provide bee habitats

Bees need safe and suitable habitats to nest and raise their young. You can make a positive impact by setting up bee houses or bee hotels in your backyard or community spaces. These artificial structures mimic the nooks and crannies bees naturally seek out, such as hollow stems or holes in dead trees. Ensure the bee house is placed in a sunny spot, protected from strong winds. By providing nesting sites, you offer bees a secure environment to thrive and contribute to pollination.

3. Support local beekeepers

Beekeepers play a vital role in bee conservation. By purchasing local honey and beeswax products from reputable beekeepers, you support their efforts and contribute to the local economy. Moreover, bees raised by dedicated beekeepers are often healthier and better equipped to withstand environmental challenges. Consider visiting farmers markets or local beekeeping associations, or donating to the American Beekeeping Federation, to find and support these passionate individuals who work tirelessly to protect bees and their habitats.

A picturesque scene of a beekeeper tending to beehives in a vib

4. Spread awareness and educate

One of the most powerful tools for change is knowledge. Educate yourself and others about the importance of bees in our ecosystem and the challenges they face. Share information through social media, organize workshops or presentations, or engage in discussions within your community. By raising awareness, you inspire others to take action and create a collective impact.

5. Create water sources

Bees require water for hydration and maintaining hive humidity. Create a shallow water source in your garden by placing a shallow dish or birdbath with stones or twigs for the bees to land on while drinking. Ensure that the water is refreshed regularly to prevent the growth of mosquitoes. This simple act can go a long way toward supporting the health and survival of bees, particularly during hot and dry seasons when water is scarce.

The plight of bees demands our attention and action. By implementing these five simple yet impactful ways to help save the bees, we can collectively make a difference in their survival and the health of our environment and food supply.

5 Ways People Are Celebrating Their COVID-19 Vaccinations

Our series “Celebration Inspiration” is all about bringing you top-notch advice and creative ideas to make the most of life’s special moments. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is stretching well into its second year, and there are still an unknown number of months before we see our way clear of this threat that has affected so many lives. Fortunately, more people are signing up, waiting in line, and taking the vaccination step that protects loved ones and communities. 

Something else people are doing? Celebrating. We spoke with people far and wide to learn why and how they’re rejoicing because of getting the vaccine. Although the reasons are distinct for each person, there are common threads that unite us in caring for each other.  

Celebrating with a road trip 

Blue and green quilt
Margaret’s quilt.

Family visits are at the top of people’s vaccination celebrations. Some are in the planning stages, while others have already happened. Retired teacher Thomas Hamilton and his wife Peg were thrilled to get their vaccines and head south in their camper. “We talked with our daughters about getting together in early spring,” he says. “They picked South Carolina and flew in with our granddaughter from out west. The weather was warm, and the girls had rented a house. This gave us time to relax together, as the vaccine has added to our peace of mind. It meant so much to sit around the table, once again enjoying family meals together.”  

Chasing one’s passions 

Registered nurse Margaret Hourigan and her husband Nick are combining a road trip and family visit with side trips to places linked to their passions. “There are many reasons for being relieved that we got our vaccines,” she says. “We feel safer traveling to the Midwest to visit my 85-year-old brother. I’ll then visit Quilt Town USA, a spectacular destination for quilters. While I’m there, Nick plans to peruse the archives at the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne.” She says she sees the vaccine as a gift that’s letting them take a meaningful and well-timed trip. 

Creating everyday magic 

Eben Tracy, a direct support professional for adults with disabilities, loves to garden in his free time, and he’s celebrating his COVID-19 vaccination status both near and far. His valley home in Oregon has views of Mount Hood and a long, rich growing season, encouraging the flowers and veggies covering his once-bare plot.

Backyard with flowers and artwork
Eben’s yard.

“There are intensely amazing garden centers here,” Eben says. “The vaccine makes me feel even safer in a place that is quite socially considerate. Plus, I’ll fly in September to visit family and friends. That means seeing my garden at Mom’s and going to an old-time agricultural fair.” 

Writing new life stories 

Two black dogs
Heather’s two dogs.

High school English teacher Heather Ahern Huish says she feels a sense of relief knowing she’ll be able to see her friends and visit her favorite restaurants. “I’m looking forward to returning to school and being with the upcoming seniors who will hopefully get to enjoy the usual celebrations,” she says. “We welcomed two puppies and their bounding joy and energy to our cozy home. Along with these growing sisters, we’re looking forward to our annual upcountry vacation. And before our kids are completely on their own, we plan to have a family tour of the British Isles. The vaccine offers a sense of hope.” 

Reliving memories 

Registered nurse Sarah DeCato’s excitement is of the contagious type that people feel after getting their COVID-19 vaccination. “We’re fortunate to live where we can get outside as much as we wish,” she says. “Our big celebration of receiving the vaccine is coming up soon when we take a weekend trip to New Hampshire. A highlight will be chugging up Mount Washington on the Cog Railway, something we did a few years ago. Our kids are old enough to thoroughly appreciate the trip, the spectacular views of the Presidential Range, and maybe a visit to one of the three Grand Hotels in the area. Like the one where we’ve celebrated several of our anniversaries!”  

Woman smelling pink peonies

Send flowers to celebrate 

If you have a friend or family member who just got the COVID-19 vaccine, sending them a bouquet of flowers is a nice way to celebrate. Most people enjoy the surprise of a bouquet delivery and the beauty of fresh-cut flowers.

Even if you don’t get a bouquet of flowers from someone else when you get the COVID-19 vaccine, you can always treat yourself with some flowers. You’ll add some color and great smells to your house — an excellent way to celebrate getting the vaccination. 

Helping Those Impacted by the Oregon Wildfires

Over the last couple of weeks, fast-moving wildfires have swept through the Rogue Valley of Oregon, including the Medford community, where our Harry & David brand is located. Like so many other communities in Oregon, Washington, and California, this area has been devastated by the fires. With millions of acres burned and thousands of homes destroyed, to watch this unfold has been heart breaking.

Through Their Eyes: The Almeda Fire

We are incredibly grateful that we have not suffered any loss of life in the Harry & David family due to the deadly fires. But, so many of our colleagues and their neighbors have lost everything. Over the past few days, we have seen so many acts of kindness, including Airbnb supplying emergency housing for those affected and Columbia Sportswear matching employee donations. All help is good help. It’s appreciated because it makes an impact.

How we are helping the Rogue Valley community

We have begun marshaling our resources to help our families and the broader Rogue Valley community as they begin the long and heartbreaking recovery from this tragedy. While our primary concern is to help our team members get back on their feet, we are also concerned for all the families enduring these challenges.

Locally, we have begun a drive for the collection of essential items, and we’ve also custom built 100 baskets to donate to families in need. There are so many ways to support folks in these affected areas. For our part, we have partnered with the Teresa McCormick Center, an I.R.C. Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization that serves the needs of the community in Medford, Oregon.

Located on our Harry & David campus, the Teresa McCormick Center traces its origins and its name to a former Harry & David team member whose compassion led her to collect items for fellow team members in need. Throughout the year, the company supplies ongoing aid to the Center through both in-kind and financial support.

How you can help support the Rogue Valley

Internally, our Company, together with our team members across the country, is raising funds to help those affected through the Teresa McCormick Center. You can help, too, by donating to the Center. All funds donated to the Teresa McCormick Center will go directly to affected families, so we encourage you to take part, or find other ways to help those in need.

On our social media channels, we have received dozens of prayers, which we appreciate and are extremely thankful for. Our customers are our heartbeat, and in times of challenge, heroes emerge. Our hearts are with all of you who are enduring or will endure these challenges.

Thank you for your support,
Jim and Chris

* Teresa McCormick Center is a public charitable organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donations to Teresa McCormick Center are considered tax deductible to the extent that IRS rules permit. If you have questions regarding the deductibility of your contribution, please consult with your personal tax advisor

How Artist Kristina Libby Brought Comfort to Her City Through Floral Heart Designs

From recalling happy memories to celebrating a life well lived, our new series, Reimagining Grief, encourages you to rethink your understanding of grief. Whether you’re searching for ideas to honor a loved one, are seeking inspiration to brighten someone’s day, or are looking for supportive communities, our experts – from those who have experienced loss to professional therapists – are here to show you that positivity lives on. Through personal stories and uplifting videos, we’re here to guide you to a peaceful, pleasant mindset.

Creativity can be used to express a range of emotions, and after suffering a traumatic brain injury, it’s what artist Kristina Libby relied on to get herself through tough times. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Kristina used her imagination to bring comfort to the public in the form of floral heart arrangements. We were fortunate enough to catch up with her and discuss the inspiration behind her selfless project she shared with the world.

Kristina Libby Headshot

What started your artistic career?

I’ve always been interested in art and florals. I was even a florist when I was in my early 20s. However, it wasn’t until after a traumatic brain injury from a kite-surfing accident last year that I found my way back to art. First, I started painting because it helped to soothe my constant headaches. Then, when the pandemic hit, I felt like I couldn’t just stay in my studio. I wanted to make and create public art and that really inspired me to start creating floral hearts.

Did you start making your floral heart designs at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

No. When the pandemic hit NYC, I was rushing back from a trip in Africa. I made one of the very last flights out of Rwanda and just snuck into South Africa before it shut down its borders and then flew to the U.S. So, when I first landed I was just in a total daze. As I watched the news and began to feel the enormity of what was happening, I felt so heartbroken. Thousands of people were dying without funerals and their families were left without the traditional grieving practices.  I became really worried about what we were doing to help the dead and dying. So, I  co-founded COVID Tech Connect with four other women, a non-profit that helps put tablets into the hospital rooms of patients who are dying from COVID. The tablets allowed people to use Zoom and FaceTime and that started to give people a chance to say goodbye to each other and watch over those who were dying.

Many families have been unable to go through traditional grieving practices during the pandemic.

Red Floral Heart

Is this what inspired the creation of your floral hearts?

Yes. I was heartbroken watching what was happening in my home city and in cities across America. The number of people dying was astounding but, so too was my worry about how this would impact the fabric of our nation. There is a term called “disenfranchised grief” which is the idea that people who put off grieving — generally due to war or other high-stress situation — end up with lingering and endemic PTSD symptoms. This includes violence, depression, and anxiety. I wondered if putting off grieving as a nation meant that we would have these symptoms in the fabric of our culture long after the pandemic had stopped. So, I wanted to do something to visualize my grief and allow others to access their grief; to feel connected to the city and to have a moment of comfort.

Why did you choose to work with flowers?

Floral Heart in NYC

Naturally, I drifted towards floral art — something I was comfortable with — and it felt right for this moment. Flowers are already dead but historically are used in moments of sadness to provide sympathy and support. The first floral piece I made was about re-imagining the six feet social distance messaging. I was terrified to put it in public. But, it was well-received and inspired others who saw it and interacted with it. Plus, I think we were all craving surprise, color, and compassion in that moment.

The second piece was a floral heart and it really started as an act of blessing and sympathy for the city.

You said your floral hearts acted as a blessing. How so?

There are a lot of traditions that use floral garlands or flowers to bless those around them, wish them well on a trip, or send them off into the afterlife. The interesting thing about flowers is that they really can do all of those things at once. So, I made a floral heart as a blessing and put it into the East River. People reached out to me from all over when they saw the image. They found it to be touching and meaningful. So, I wanted to do more of that and help more people. From there, I laid a floral heart on the Brooklyn Bridge and the whole project took off after that.

What is the aim of your floral hearts project?

Floral Heart with Fountain

For now, I want to make 50 floral hearts in recognition of those we have lost. But, ultimately I want them to grow into a future piece that will allow us a moment of recognition for the pandemic deaths along with  a moment of reflection. I’m thrilled to partner with 1-800-Flowers to make floral hearts for the next few months because it allows us to write a love letter to NYC, in a way. These flowers will be in sympathy and love with those who have passed away, and they’ll also spread warmth to those that are living and allow their struggling to feel seen.

What do you hope your floral hearts project inspires in others?

I would love to see copycats of these floral hearts around NYC and around the world. Nearly anyone with any kind of flowers can make a floral heart garland. Making it is cathartic; laying it in a public place is cathartic; and, ultimately watching others interact with it also makes you feel good, too. If we can do nothing more right now, maybe we can blanket the world in flowers.

Petal Talk Chats with Stafford, VA Florist, Develyn Reed

Florist Develyn Reed posing with floral arrangement

How did you get into the flower business and what do you love best about being a florist?

I’ve only been in the floral business for about 6 years. My in-laws own Achara Florist, and needed someone to work in the gift part of the store. Once I started working with some of the amazing designers, I began to design a little bit myself. I found that I love creating beautiful flower arrangements…and the rest is history!

What are your favorite flowers?

Gosh, I love them all! There are too many to count. But if I had to name a few, they would have to be peonies, hydrangeas and stock. Peonies smell extremely and are just so beautiful. They take center stage in whatever you put them in. Hydrangeas are nice, big gorgeous flowers that I love to use in wedding work. They make bridal bouquets nice and full, and they go with other flowers so well. Stock is another one of my favorites because it comes in all different colors, and has a wonderful fragrance and big, thick blooms that are stunning in everything.

Can you tell us a little bit about Stafford, VA? What is your favorite thing about living there?

The stone that was used for many of the government buildings in Washington, D.C., including the U.S. Capitol and the White House, came from Government Island located here in Stafford, VA. That is one of the things many people do know about our town. The people here come from all over, so we have a very diverse population. We are far enough from our nation’s capital to still be a little country and a little city at the same time. And that’s what I love about living here. It’s the best of both worlds!

Develyn working on Mother's Embrace arrangement

What has been the most rewarding experience during your florist tenure?

Knowing that I had a part in making someone’s day.

What is the weirdest thing you have seen or experienced during your floral career?

I had someone ask me to make a flower arrangement to resemble the movie poster for  “Warcraft.”  It was a strange request, but I did it! I made a sword out of bamboo and sprayed it silver, then put red roses on one side with blue delphinium on the other. It turned out perfect! They were very pleased.

Develyn creating floral arrangement

What is your favorite floral occasion? 

I love weddings. Being able to bring beauty to that most special of days for a couple so in love is just the best feeling. But I also love funeral work. I feel very honored when someone asks me to do the flowers for their loved one’s service. Being able to bring life to memories through someone’s favorite color, flower or smell is a great feeling.

What inspired you to design your Local Exclusive arrangements?

I was inspired by the beauty of flowers. To be able to create so many different arrangements using flowers that come from all over the world is truly a blessing.

Mother's Embrace arrangement

What is your favorite Local Exclusive design that you’ve made and why?

It would be Sensational Spring Beauty™. It has everything: white lilies, pink and yellow snapdragons, yellow and lavender roses, pink Gerberas. It’s breathtaking!

What do you love most about your local community?

The people! We have good-hearted, caring people here in Stafford. You are always met with a smile everywhere you go.

What are some “Fun Facts” that your customers don’t know about you?

I love all things mythical. It doesn’t matter if the book is about vampires, fairies, dragons, werewolves etc. I love them all. I’m always reading something about that world. Now, do I believe they’re all real? Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t!

What makes you smile? 

My family! I am truly blessed to have the most amazing husband and the best five boys a mother could ever ask for. They make me laugh until I cry. They drive me nuts. And they love me endlessly.

All Photos by Avery Carter

Petal Talk Chats with Baldwin, NY Florist Ann Marie Pierce

In order to learn about the creative minds behind our handcrafted arrangements, we interviewed Ann Marie Pierce from Baldwin, NY who is featured in our Local Artisan Collection. From the daily life as a florist to some of the inspiration behind her arrangements, Ann Marie talks about her favorite holidays, arrangements, her family & more!

Ann Marie Pierce in Front of Her Baldwin, NY Flower Shop

How did you get into the flower business and what do you love best about being a florist?
I always loved to be around flowers, so after realizing my initial career path in corporate America was not going to be my future, I began sweeping and cleaning flowers in a local florist on the weekends, and hence my new career evolved. Being a florist gives me the opportunity to make the flowers speak for my customers.

Ann Marie Pierce Holding Flower Arrangement

What are your favorite flowers?
I love the look and feel of a bunch of white daisies, but being around such an array of gorgeous flowers every day makes it hard to say “that’s the one!”

Can you tell us a little bit about Baldwin, NY? What is your favorite thing about living there?
I moved to Baldwin 25 years ago, and living in the same town as my business motivates me to take an active role in this community. We are a diverse group of hard-working families that take pride in their neighborhood.

What has been the most rewarding experience during your florist tenure?
Having a long-lasting relationship with my customers from one generation to another has been a very rewarding part of my tenure. Having people trust you with the most important event in their lives, making their dreams become their fond memories.

What is the weirdest thing you have seen or experienced during your floral career?
I designed a Halloween wedding, complete with life sized witches and goblins. The dais was a coffin and cob webs and dust were on every table and crevice of the venue. Deep red roses were flanked with bones and spiders. The bride and groom were thrilled with the results!

What is your favorite floral occasion?
This is a tough question because each holiday has its own energy. As designers we get to change gears dramatically, using different colors, flowers, plants and containers to accomplish them.

What inspired you to design your local exclusive arrangements?
I design my Local Exclusive products based on my customers’ reactions. There are certain designs I showcase in my shop and watch the responses. My customers love the decorative boxes, seasoned urns and natural materials we use in some of our pieces leaning on the farm-to-table “feel.”

What is your favorite Local Exclusive design that you’ve made and why?
The Sunburst Bouquet. The deep colors, melded together by soft tones, brings this floral to life. Whether being delivered to a business or a residence, this arrangement fits anywhere.

Florist Holding Flowers Close-Up

What do you love most about your local community?
Baldwin has many Civic and Religious Associations that reach out to people in need. I am happy to be a part of these organizations. It opens your mind to the needs of others. It’s nice to see so many people come together to help the less fortunate.

What are some “Fun Facts” that your customers don’t know about you?
I am shy…though most people don’t perceive me as such! I am petrified of scary movies and my favorite color is black.

What makes you smile?
My family.

Petal Talk Chats With Sarah Annunziato

In order to learn about the creative minds behind our handcrafted arrangements, we interviewed Sarah Annunziato who is featured in our Local Artisan Collection. From the daily life as a florist to some of the inspiration behind her arrangements, Sarah talks about her favorite holidays, arrangements, her family & more!

How did you get into the flower business and what do you love best about being a florist?

flower skull halloween arrangement

When I was in my sophomore year of high school a bunch of my friends and I got an after school job at a local florist near our high school. I started out by sweeping the floors and learning to answer the phones and process the flowers that came in. I stayed at that same local shop quickly picking up being able to talk with and help customers and learned to design simple floral arrangements, which after sticking with it for a while developing into lead designer and store manager. My friends all went off to college on different career paths as I stayed behind in my home town and continued to work at that same shop part time while I attended a local college for graphic design and digital photography, when half way through the semester I realized how bored I was during the classes and how I couldn’t wait to get back to the flower shop because it was my happy place. Which eventually lead to me leaving school and working full time and taking over the day to day management of the flower shop. I stayed there for years until I moved to New Jersey and quickly found a new flower shop and made new friends and made connections with new customers and gained more insight to different design styles from my co-workers there. I worked at three flower shops in New Jersey over 8 years and then decided to move to Florida, again quickly finding a local flower shop to make my “home” in successfully. I felt so passionate about talking to customers and hearing their stories and laughing with them or crying with them. I fell in love with my career at an early age and here 17 years later, I’m back home in New York, and I still love to learn new design techniques and learn new things every day. There’s a saying “It’s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together” and I couldn’t be happier doing what I do every day.

What are your favorite flowers?

It’s very hard to choose favorites because I truly adore flowers but if I had to choose they would probably be, Hyacinth, Peonies, and Sweet Pea.

Can you tell us a little bit about NY? What is your favorite thing about living there?

I grew up here and I moved around a lot when I was younger, but for me as a single mom, coming back home to NY last year and being close to my family and friends means that when I think of NY I think of love and family. I live on the same street as a lot of my family members and my other neighbors are all so friendly and we all look out for each other. My daughter and I started over fresh here and I know I picked out the best place for her to grow up. Out of all the places I’ve been on the east coast, Long Island, NY is definitely my favorite place to be.

What has been the most rewarding experience during your florist tenure?

Hearing warm appreciative feedback from my customers is the most rewarding experience for sure. The one that sticks out in my mind is when I was working in a flower shop in New Jersey and a woman from Virginia traveled up to plan and attend her younger sisters’ funeral. It was very sad and this woman was one of the pickiest customers I had ever met, but I sat down with her with a box of tissues and surrounded by inspiration books and I think I must have pulled out every flower from the cooler to give her visuals of how the combinations would look. I wasn’t getting frustrated I was so happy to be able to plan such a meaningful memorial with her. In the end (hours later) she walked out and gave me a huge hug and thanked me for helping her and for listening to all the funny stories she told me about her little sister. After we finished designing all the funeral pieces and delivering them, we came back to the shop and I didn’t think I’d here from her again being that was not from New Jersey and was going to be traveling back down to Virginia. The next morning, I went in to work and opened up the shop and saw the voicemail blinking and checked it. I had to listen to it a few times because it meant so much to me that she took time to give me a call and leave me a heartwarming message of how proud she was of how beautiful the memorial service turned out and how she “couldn’t have done it without me”. She said she was ranting and raving about our flower shop and how helpful I was and how passionate and caring and understanding I was to make sure every detail of her arrangements were perfect. Little things like that make it worth it and hearing that you made a difference and brought happiness during such a sad time for a family means a lot.

What is the weirdest thing you have seen or experienced during your floral career?

There has been a few crazy times in my career. A lot of wild times, but the first one that came to my mind was when I was working at a local flower shop and a gentleman had called the shop but had called the wrong phone number. I was talking to him and he thought he was calling for special pickup, I advised him that he was calling a flower shop, and he laughed. We kept talking and he was explaining how his wife had been bugging him to get rid of the old sofa in the basement and she was mad at him for procrastinating so long. Well, I ended up being able to talk him into sending his wife flowers that day to apologize for taking so long, as well as finding the correct phone number for the special pickup! He was a return customer many times over and he’d ask to speak to me to “order a special pickup”. Haha!

What is your favorite floral occasion?

flower skull halloween floral arrangement

Each holiday is different, but I love the big flower holidays! (Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day) I love the energy in the shop during that time even though it always gets crazy. I love the pressure and the excitement of a packed store and rushing to answer the phone and help customers and design bouquets on the spot in front of a waiting customer. Long nights of staying up all night long to finish the orders for the next day, and being with my coworkers shutting down the retail store and blasting music in the shop and dancing in the back design room while we finished everything we could for the night. 

What inspired you to design your local exclusive arrangements?

My inspiration came from my 4 (soon to be 5) year old daughter, Gianna. Since she was about 6 months old I’ve been taking her to work with me when I couldn’t find a babysitter. She went from sitting in her stroller sleeping all day when she was a baby to eventually me bringing a clip on high chair and attaching it to my design table and giving her flowers to play with while I worked, and then eventually teaching her to sweep up behind me as the floor got dirty! (Haha!) So, when I came up with this design, I had her in mind and she was so used to seeing so many types of bouquets and vases and baskets, I thought “what’s different?” and “what would impress her?” and when I thought of it, I knew that would be something playful and cute that she would love… and she does!

What is your favorite Local Exclusive design that you’ve made and why?

I don’t know if I have a favorite, I like to try new concepts and designs and test them out to see customers’ reactions and then go from there. I love to design wildflower arrangements and fresh and funky looking bouquets that stand out from the grocery store bouquets.

What do you love most about your local community?
I love running into people I know everywhere I go in the community. Some are friends others are customers. 

What are some “Fun Facts” that your customers don’t know about you?

I love craziness! I love the feeling of being stressed out and problem solving and the rush of busy holidays and my favorite thing to do when I’m designing is playing some good music and dancing while I work!

What makes you smile?

Hearing my daughter laugh.

Petal Talk Chats With Anthony Swick

In order to learn about the creative minds behind our handcrafted arrangements, we interviewed Anthony Swick who is featured in our Local Artisan Collection. From the daily life as a florist to some of the inspiration behind his arrangements, Anthony talks about his favorite holidays, arrangements, his family & more!

How did you get into the flower business and what do you love best about being a florist?

Amber Waves

I was in high school and had a part time job as a shop helper in eves in a Mall Florist- many years ago. My
job was keeping things clean and taking care of roses… I’ll never forget having to clean and de-thorn SO many roses at Valentine’s Day, but I smiled with every stick in my finger. While going through college and growing on my own, I then would buy roses for a little Florist and one visit got me in back making my own, that how the passion got in me. I love the opportunity to create and share such wonderful things and now as an educator and working within the industry, it has made my passion even stronger knowing that I can help someone else find their passion and they can bloom.

What are your favorite flowers?

Calla! No question. This has always been my most favorite as to its masculine and feminine qualities. The ways you can design with it and the pure look makes me thrilled to challenge any design with a calla! Our logo at my stores!

Can you tell us a little bit about Florida? What is your favorite thing about living there?

The weather!!! I can not imagine living in a cold climate. Being originally for the north, I was blessed to enjoy the “beach life” very young. I’d rather clean up sand in my car than to scrap the ice off my windows!!!

What has been the most rewarding experience during your florist tenure?

Being a part of AIFD. The journey to become AIFD and the opportunity to present 2 stage programs at symposium has been the most rewarding. I love sharing, the chance to grow personally and maybe share something that others can grow from. Teaching at Floriology and presenting for Bloomnet has just made the journey even more rewarding for me as a designer.

What is the weirdest thing you have seen or experienced during your floral career?

Wow… only one…? There are many after this many years. I’d have to say the one that sticks the most with me was having to go to a clients home, his wife had past, but they were having visiting hours at the home and he wanted me to put on her favorite flower corsage and flowers in her hair to match. At my age, we didn’t go to homes just to funeral homes.

What is your favorite floral occasion?

Weddings for sure. To have the honor in sharing such a lifelong memory and the opportunity to become close with a client on such a deep level is beyond my favorite

What inspired you to design your local exclusive arrangements?

When working with fall items and I saw the classic look of the mosaic vase, the colors were so beautiful. I could imagine the colors of fall, no matter where you live and I was drawn to the flower selection. Working with those colors and pulling in the tones of the roses was just a simple yet perfect fit!

What is your favorite Local Exclusive design that you’ve made and why?

Hand-tied rose & hydrangea flower arrangement

I love the “hand tied rose and hydrangea” design. This design is my take on the traditional style roses. To me it appeals more to today’s buyers and incorporates beautiful hydrangea, creating a more trendy and up to date look on the ever loved classic.

What do you love most about your local community?

Tampa is a big city/ small town. It’s not the largest metropolitan city, but we enjoy the art, sports, large event and concerts. There are people whom have been here for generations and you have a feeling of Home. You tend to know your neighbors like a small

What are some “Fun Facts” that your customers don’t know about you?

Shoes… I love shoes. I have so many and it gets out of hand some time. But my favorite, which I have about 6-8 at all times, are kinos. They are from key west and they are more flip/ sandals. Like I’m wearing nothing. If I’m not in one of those, I have a wide range of shoes that I love to wear. Look out travel, my shoe bag is normally bigger than my garment bags.

What makes you smile?

My boys! I have 2 sons who are the light of my life. Nothing better than those boys. Good and bad, I smile about their accomplishments and growth everyday.

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