11 Ideas for Throwing a Life-changing 40th Birthday Party

A 40th birthday marks a turning point in life. It’s a moment when we reflect on how far we’ve come, and how much more we want to accomplish. And if, as the saying goes, life begins at 40, a 40th birthday party offers a great way to usher in this exciting new phase of life.

Whether you’re throwing a 40th birthday party for a loved one or hosting your own big 4-0 birthday bash, we’ve got plenty of unique ideas to celebrate the start of a new decade and commemorate a big milestone

dawn lopez headshot

I love to host parties that are really meaningful to the birthday recipient, and some of our favorite things from childhood can really bring a party to life.

dawn lopez

Founder of the Cutefetti blog

Nostalgic 40th birthday ideas (with a grown-up twist)

1980s-themed party

For that ’80s baby turning 40, there’s a certain heartwarming charm to reliving the era of neon, cassette tapes, and classic arcade games. “I love to host parties that are really meaningful to the birthday recipient, and some of our favorite things from childhood can really bring a party to life,” explains party expert Dawn Lopez, creator of the Cutefetti blog.

One way to throw an ’80s-themed birthday party is to go all-in on the era: Play hits from the decade by Madonna or Bon Jovi, add lots of bright decorations, and ask guests to dress up in iconic outfits of the era, such as leg warmers, oversized sweaters, and acid wash jeans. 

Lopez suggests going deeper into childhood memories for a 40th birthday party theme. She likes to focus on someone’s favorite superhero or cartoon character from back in the day. “See how you can bring elements of the characters and story to life through fun foods and decorations.” You could also incorporate elements from a popular ’80s movie or video game.

40th birthday ideas with Two young people playing retro video game and holding controllers
40th birthday ideas with Closeup of diverse group of friends sharing pepperoni pizza at house party

Recreate your favorite childhood party place

Did you, or the guest of honor, spend every weekend at the arcade? Or did an ideal Friday night consist of eating pan pizza at an iconic chain restaurant or hanging out at the local video rental spot? Then throw an instant pizza party that’s even better than you remember, with pizza kits that come with a bottle of wine as bonus! (For a truly nostalgic experience, serve cola too.) You could also pick up some old school DVDs and candy to recreate those all-night movie marathons you used to have in your best friend’s basement.

Want to make a big impression? Serve up plenty of sweet treats in the form of a breakable chocolate pretzel pizza (which comes with its own mallet for busting). That’s sure to be a smashing birthday moment worth capturing.

Was the roller skating rink your second home? Lopez suggests finding a retro roller skating rink and serving themed food items. “It would be cute to serve roller skate-shaped cake, cookies, and snacks,” she says.

‘Intriguing’ 40th birthday ideas

Make turning 40 into a mystery 

Grab a murder mystery game kit and assign characters beforehand so everyone can dress the part (or just wing it on the spot by supplying some props). Of course, you’ll also want to serve up snacks and drinks. A mystery cookie box and bloody marys sound appropriate. Add a classy touch with myriad mocktails, from Espress0% Martini to Sansgria, for those skipping the alcohol.

Fortune-ate at 40

Bring an air of mystique to your 40th birthday party by inviting a psychic to tell everyone’s fortunes, or DIY the future-casting with a set of tarot cards. Gift tarot-themed plant seed packets and tarot card mini journals as favors, and decorate with some tarot-themed items like candles and diffusers.  

40th birthday ideas with Friends warming themselves by the bonfire, camping

Camp out under the stars

There’s nothing like escaping into nature to usher in a new beginning in life — and what better way to do it than with friends and family to celebrate turning 4-0. Get together around the campfire, tell spooky stories, and treat everyone to s’more making with your choice of ingredients presented beautifully on a customized wooden board. Pair it with s’mores-flavored popcorn and some chocolate-, marshmallow-, and graham-themed gourmet snacks

Enriching 40th birthday ideas

Take an online workshop 

Learning something new can be an invigorating and bonding experience among loved ones. And the best part is you don’t need to have any skills or prior experience to dive into a new hobby or interest. Whether it becomes a life-long passion or merely a one-time adventure, exploring a culinary, craft, or specialized skill can be a way to broaden your horizons when turning 40. Try your hand at a virtual group lesson, such as flower arranging, pasta making, succulent growing, or mixology.

Host a Bob Ross paint party

Take the classic paint party and make it epic with everyone’s favorite ASMR art instructor. Heck, you don’t even need to do any painting! (Although if you want to, we’ve got you covered.) A Bob Ross-themed 40th birthday party decoration package is sure to do the trick. Throw in “Bob Mob” for the lawn and a wine and light bites package, and you’re sure to have plenty of “happy little trees.”

40th birthday gift ideas

Transportive 40th birthday ideas

Choose your own 40th birthday adventure

You don’t need to travel far to find an adventure. Turning 40 means trying new things, so get out and do something new, such as an escape room, rage room, or VR lounge. For those that want to get the heart pumping, visit a trampoline gym or play laser tag. You’ll come home invigorated from the experience, and hungry from all the energy you expended, which is why an instant Italian dinner — with all the comforts of spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and apple crostata already made and ready for you to enjoy — is the perfect birthday meal.

Your favorite book or movie birthday

At 40, you probably have very specific tastes and fandoms when it comes to your entertainment choices. Bring that pop culture obsession to life with a party that celebrates a favorite book, movie, or TV series. How about a Mad Hatter tea party or “Lord of the Rings”inspired feast with plenty of dishes featuring “po-tay-toes“? For the Jane Austen fan, recreate the splendor of a gorgeous English garden by filling the space with springtime blooms and a stunning centerpiece. Serve up traditional English muffins, offer Regency-style dance lessons, and invite guests to dress in Bridgerton-style outfits.

40th birthday ideas with Group of happy friends congratulating young black woman at retro themed birthday party

Escape to another era 

Time travel to the past with a 40th birthday party set in an iconic era. Picture turning your home into a roaring 1920s speakeasy with flapper attire, a posh cocktail-making station (don’t forget to offer some mocktails as well!), and indulgent delights, such as caviar and chocolate truffles. Or create some “disco fever” with a 70s-themed birthday bash. Invite guests to sport their best bell-bottoms and platforms, and add a disco ball, funky music and, of course, smiley faces

No-school snow day for big kids

Remember those magical days when school got canceled for snow and all you did was watch cartoons, have snowball fights, and retreat in the house for hot chocolate breaks? Recreate those unforgettable times by inviting friends to come over in their best pajama outfits and fixing up a cereal bar with all your favorite childhood breakfast treats (including cereal cookies!), along with some adult beverages.

Lopez says, “I love the idea of throwing a sleepover-inspired party — basically, a celebration that brings the birthday person right back to their childhood. I once threw an old school party to celebrate friendships and served up a retro waffle bar and handed out friendship bracelets. It was SO much fun.”

10 Leap Year Birthday Celebration Ideas for Leaplings, Leapers, and Leapsters

tribute birthday banner

Every birthday is worthy of being celebrated, but a leap year birthday deserves extra special attention. That’s because there is a 1 in 1,461 chance that an individual will be born on Feb. 29. So when you or someone you know has a birthday on that day — and it actually appears on the calendar — it’s even more important to make a big deal of it.

But before we share ideas about how to celebrate, let’s find out more about how leap years came to be and why they are still necessary. (Spoiler: It has to do with the Earth’s orbit around the sun and a fraction of a day.)

History of leap years

Thank goodness for people who pay attention to the details. While the rest of us roll through our lives content in the knowledge there are 365 days in a year, the fact is it takes 365.242190 days for Earth to orbit the sun, and that overage amounts to an additional five hours, 45 minutes, and change. Over the course of time, that fraction of a day matters — so much so that if wasn’t somehow accounted for, it would disrupt the timing of our seasons.

Some ancient calendars tracked both lunar and sun cycles, and the difference between the two tracking systems amounted to 11 days. To account for this time, the ancients added extra months to their calendars, known as interstitial months. Feeling this was too hard a system to manage, Julius Caesar did the math in 46 BCE and figured that adding an extra day to the calendar every four years would balance it out.

When I turned 24, we did a clown-themed birthday party for a 6-year-old. When I turned 40, we did a superhero party suitable for a 10-year-old.”

Bobbie Hoehner, owner of The Healing Lounge at Get Tanked Float Center

All was fine until 1582 AD, when it was discovered that the addition of a day every four years over the course of centuries resulted in an overage of 10 days. (Does your brain hurt yet? Mine does.)

Fortunately, Pope Gregory XIII found that by adding an extra day to the calendar in years evenly divided by four, and only in century years evenly divided by 400, all would be right in the universe once again. This became the Gregorian calendar, with Feb. 29 designated as the official leap year date.

Leaplings, leapers, and leapsters

Leap year babies — of which there are only about 5 million in a world populated by nearly 8 billion people — are known alternatively as leapers, leaplings, and leapsters. Bobbie Hoehner, who runs her family’s business The Healing Lounge at Get Tanked in Hinesville, Georgia, is one such leapling — and she wasn’t the only one in her family.

A birthday ad showing gift ideas for October birthdays.

“My great uncle and my aunt also had leap year birthdays, so I always had someone to celebrate with,” Hoehner says. On non-leap years, she celebrates her birthday on Feb. 28. “In the leap year community, there is debate over which day we should celebrate. Some celebrate on the 28th, some celebrate on March 1st. But 28 plus 1 equals 29, so we generally think we get to celebrate both.”

Hoehner says that being a leapling is also fun because she gets to celebrate being two ages. On leap year birthdays, she celebrates with a theme that corresponds to her leap year age. “When I turned 24, we did a clown-themed birthday party for a 6-year-old. When I turned 40, we did a superhero party suitable for a 10-year-old,” she says.  

As fun as it may be for some, being a leap year baby can have its challenges, says leapling Rae Clapper, innkeeper at Apple’s Bed & Breakfast in Big Bear Lake, California. Once when she was on a cross-country trip, an encounter with a local sheriff resulted in a misunderstanding. “The sheriff asked for my license. When he came back, he said it was invalid due to my birthdate,” Clapper says. “I had to explain I was a leap year baby and even Googled it to show him! He cleared me and apologized.”

10 ways to celebrate a leap year birthday

Here are 10 ways to celebrate the rare and special occasion of a leap year birthday.

1. Treat yourself to something sweet

Regular birthdays are for cake. Leap year birthdays are for something distinctly more special, such as artisan chocolate-covered strawberries or dipped cheesecake bites (or both!).

leap year birthday artisan dipped strawberries
leap year birthday birthday cake martini

2. Shake up a leap year cocktail

Get your mixologist on with a personalized cocktail shaker set and recipe created on Feb. 29, 1928, at the historic Savoy Hotel in London.

3. Attend a leap year event

Check out your community’s events calendar or take trip to the Leap Year Festival in Anthony, Texas — the self-proclaimed leap year capital of the world.

4. Join an online leap day community

Get to know leapers just like you. The Honor Society for Leap Year Day Babies is a great place to network on all things leap year.

5. Host a themed soiree

In 2020, Clapper threw herself a “Purple Rain”/Prince-themed party. “I hired a Prince band named the Purple Ones and went all out,” she says. “It was awesome — everyone wore purple.” Don’t forget to have plenty of gourmet food and drinks on hand.

6. Take an overnight holiday

Some leapsters enjoy a two-day leap day birthday celebration, so why not take the opportunity to enjoy an overnight trip. Enjoy two or three days at a special resort or spa to commemorate the occasion.

7. Treat yourself to a spa day

If heading out of town isn’t feasible, pamper yourself with a luxury spa day at home, or host one for you and your closest friends.

leap year birthday spa day
leap year birthday unicorn birthday

8. Throw a leap year age party

Take a page out of Hoehner’s book and have a party with a theme that corresponds to your leap year age. Frogs are big in the leap year community, of course, or choose a special symbol or character that you loved growing up, such as unicorns or Mickey Mouse.

9. Give yourself a gift that gives back

Buy local, handmade items from sellers in your community or find an organization that contributes to a worthy cause when you make a purchase from it.

10. Sign up for a monthly gift club

Flowers, food, wine…whatever your pleasure, there’s a gift subscription that can have it delivered to your door. Until your next leap day birthday!

March Birth Flowers: All About the Daffodil and Jonquil

As winter bids us farewell and nature awakens from its slumber, March heralds the arrival of vibrant blooms that breathe life into the world. Among the stars of the early spring garden are two enchanting flowers that symbolize the beauty and renewal associated with this season.

Whether planted outdoors or displayed inside the home, these radiant specimens bring joy and positivity to their surroundings. And with proper care, you can witness these March birth flowers transforming your space into luscious tapestries of color and fragrance.

What are the March birth flowers?

The March birth flowers are the daffodil and jonquil.

march birth flowers hero

Daffodils (Narcissus) are a genus of perennial plants native to Europe and North Africa. One of the most recognizable features of the daffodil is its trumpet-shaped flower. The most common shades of daffodils are yellow and white, but they also come in orange, pink, or bi-colored. While they can produce solitary blooms, daffodils are often seen in clusters. These hardy perennials grow from bulbs, which are planted in the fall and emerge from the ground in the spring.

Jonquils (Narcissus jonquilla) are a specific subgroup within the larger Narcissus genus, which includes various daffodils. The flowers emit a sweet and often intense scent. Like daffodils, jonquils feature trumpet-shaped flowers, typically grow in clusters, sprout from bulbs, and are among the earliest-blooming flowers in spring.

What is the history of daffodils?

Daffodils are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region; their roots have been traced back to ancient Greece and Rome. The name “narcissus” is derived from Greek mythology: The story goes that Narcissus, a beautiful youth, falls in love with his own reflection and transforms into the flower that now bears his name.

Daffodils gradually spread across Europe, and by the Middle Ages, they had become popular ornamental plants. During the Victorian era, daffodils came to be associated with sentiments of renewal, rebirth, and the promise of a new beginning in floriography.

Daffodils eventually made their way to colonial America, the bulbs being brought over by European settlers who yearned for a reminder of their homeland. Today, daffodils grow almost everywhere in North America, and in many places across the world, and are most commonly found near forests, grasslands, and riverbanks.

What does the daffodil mean?

With their emergence early in the season, daffodils are often associated with the end of winter and the beginning of a new cycle of life. These golden blossoms also convey messages of hope, positivity, and the anticipation of brighter days ahead. Daffodils are hardy perennials that can withstand challenging conditions and, as such, are seen as symbols of resilience, strength, and the ability to overcome adversity.

Narzissenfeld im Frühling

In modern times, the daffodil has been adopted as a symbol for cancer awareness. The American Cancer Society uses the daffodil to represent hope for a cure and support for individuals affected by cancer.

Daffodils are often associated with the Easter season, symbolizing the resurrection and the joyous celebration of new life. They are commonly used in Easter decorations and floral arrangements.

The daffodil also is the traditional flower for a 10th wedding anniversary.

How to care for daffodils

Caring for daffodils is relatively straightforward, and with proper attention, you can enjoy their cheerful blooms year after year.

  • Planting: Plant daffodil bulbs in the fall before the ground freezes, in a location with well-drained soil. Place the bulbs about 6 to 8 inches under the ground, with the pointed end facing upward.
  • Sunlight: Daffodils thrive in full to partial sunlight, so plant them in an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Watering: Daffodils prefer moderate watering. Water the bulbs well after planting, and water sparingly throughout the growing season.
  • Fertilization: Fertilize daffodils in early spring just as the shoots emerge from the soil. Use a balanced fertilizer or one specifically formulated for bulbs.
  • Division: Every few years, consider dividing crowded clumps of daffodils. Lift the bulbs after the foliage has withered, separate them, and replant them at the recommended spacing.
  • Container care: If growing daffodils in containers, ensure the pots have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Use well-draining potting mix, and water as needed.
Differential focus of daffodils with morning dew

3 interesting facts about daffodils

  1. The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, where it is associated with St. David’s Day, the national day of Wales. It is worn by people in Wales on this day as a symbol of national pride.
  2. Daffodils are one of the few flowers that continues to produce a toxin harmful to other flowers even after being cut. This makes them ideal for exclusive arrangements, as they don’t play well with other flowers in a vase.
  3. The poet William Wordsworth immortalized daffodils in his poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” in which he describes the beauty and impact of encountering a field of blooming daffodils.

What are the best March birth flower gifts?

These bright and cheerful gift options highlight the March birth flowers and everything we love about them.

What is the history of the jonquil?

The history of Jonquils is intertwined with the broader history of the Narcissus genus. Jonquils, specifically, are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region, particularly in Spain and Portugal. The name “jonquil” is derived from the Spanish term “jonquillo,” which refers to the rush-like leaves of the plant.

What does the jonquil mean?

The bright and vibrant jonquil is often seen as a symbol of joy and cheerfulness, and its sweet fragrance is often linked to themes of love and romance.

Otherwise, jonquils represent much the same things as daffodils: the anticipation of the changing seasons, renewal and rejuvenation, and the resurrection and joyous spirit of Easter.

How to care for jonquils

narzisse baby moon
  • Planting: Plant jonquil bulbs in the fall, preferably 4 to 6 weeks before the first hard frost. Choose a well-drained location that receives partial to full sunlight.
  • Soil conditions: Jonquils prefer well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
  • Bulb depth: Plant jonquil bulbs at a depth of about 4 to 6 inches, placing them pointy side up. Space the bulbs approximately 4 to 6 inches apart.
  • Watering: Provide regular watering during the growing season, especially in the spring. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Reduce watering after flowering, and allow the soil to dry out as the foliage dies back.
  • Fertilization: Fertilize jonquils in early spring when the shoots emerge from the ground. Use a balanced fertilizer or one specifically formulated for bulbs.
  • Foliage: Allow the foliage to die back naturally. Do not tie or cut back the foliage until it turns yellow.

3 interesting facts about jonquils

  1. The essential oil derived from jonquil flowers is referred to as “the perfume of the soul.” It is used in perfumery for its sweet and uplifting scent.
  2. There is a superstition that if you point at a jonquil, it will not grow.
  3. While daffodils are found in many colors, jonquils come only in yellow.

110 Birthday Card Messages That’ll Make Every Birthday Special

Celebrating a loved one’s birthday is a joyous occasion filled with laughter, warmth, and togetherness. It also serves as the perfect opportunity to express your heartfelt wishes. Amid numerous ways to convey your love, a handwritten birthday message is a timeless way to make the person feel special. Whether for a family member, friend, or colleague, happy birthday wishes bring smiles, cheer, and a sense of connection.

Tips for writing happy birthday wishes

What’s the best way to craft a memorable birthday message? “Write at least one paragraph on something meaningful,” says Dr. Wyatt Fisher, a psychologist and couples retreat leader. “Most people only sign their name on a card, which feels very impersonal. Therefore, to stand out, write at least four to six sentences on what your relationship with them means to you.”


Understanding and embracing the uniqueness of the recipient’s personality is also key when crafting a birthday card message. “Remember, this is one of the most important days in this person’s life,” Wyatt says. “They want to know people are thinking about them and that they matter. You can be lighthearted or humorous, or you could comment on the strengths you see in them or how they have positively impacted your life.”

With that advice in mind, here are 110 birthday messages to spark inspiration and help make your words an unforgettable part of your loved one’s big day.

Funny birthday wishes

  1. “Look at the bright side — at least you’re not as old as you will be next year.”
  2. “Congratulations on reaching an age where your back goes out more than you do. Happy birthday!”
  3. “Happy birthday! It’s lit, just like your candles!”
  4. “You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.”
  5. “Don’t worry about your advanced age. Think about it this way: You’re not old, you’re just retro!”
  6. “Remember, you’re not getting older, you’re just increasing in value. Happy birthday, you priceless gem!”
  7. “One minute you’re young and fun, the next you’re getting excited about (your new air fryer, vacuum, slow cooker, etc.).
  8. “Happy birthday to someone smart, funny, great looking, and who reminds me a lot of myself.”
  9. “Happy birthday! I’m really glad you were born. My life would be so boring without you.”
  10. “Your big day is becoming a serious fire hazard. Quick, blow out your candles!”
  11. “You don’t look a day over 16! From a distance, with my eyes closed. Happy birthday!”
  12. “Don’t grow up, it’s a trap! Happy birthday!”

Short and sweet birthday wishes

  1. “Happy birthday! May your day be as bright and joyous as your smile.”
  2. Wishing you a year ahead filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful moments. Happy birthday!
  1. “Hooray for another year celebrating you!”
  2. “I hope your birthday week is filled with all the things that make you smile.
  3. “Best wishes for a day filled with love and laughter.”
  4. “Hope you get everything you wish for on your birthday.”
  5. “Sending you warm wishes today on your birthday, and always!”
  6. “May this special day bring you all the happiness you’ve given to others. Happy birthday!”
  1. “Warm wishes for a day that’s just as wonderful as you are.”
  2. “Wishing you all the best on your special day.”

Happy birthday wishes for your wife

  1. “Wishing the most beautiful woman in the world the happiest of birthdays! Your love lights up my life, and I feel lucky to spend each day with you.”
  2. “To the queen of my heart, happy birthday! Your love is my greatest treasure, and I can’t wait to make this day as extraordinary as you are.”
  3. “Happy birthday to the woman who completes me in every way possible. May your day be filled with the same love and joy you bring to my life.”
  4. “Wishing my amazing wife a birthday as beautiful and special as she is. Thank you for being my partner, my confidant, and the love of my life.”
  5. “Cheers to the most amazing wife on her birthday! Your love is the greatest gift, and I’m grateful for every moment we share. Here’s to another year of adventures together.”
  6. “Wishing my wonderful wife a birthday filled with love, surprises, and everything that brings you happiness. You deserve the world, and I’m here to make sure you get it!”
  7. “Happy birthday to my favorite person in the entire world! You are the icing on my cake, and I can’t wait to celebrate you all day long.”
  8. “Cheers to another year around the sun, sweetheart. Happy birthday!”
  9. “You are the most thoughtful, intelligent, and caring person I know. How lucky am I to call you my wife? Happy birthday, beautiful!”
  10. “You’ve always been the most stunning woman in the world to me, and that will never change. Happy birthday, gorgeous!”

Happy birthday wishes for your husband

  1. “Happy birthday to my amazing husband! Your love is the anchor of our family, and I’m grateful for the joy you bring to our lives. Here’s to celebrating you on your special day.”
  2. “Cheers to the one who stole my heart! Happy birthday, my husband. May your day be filled with surprises, joy, and all the things that make you smile.”
  3. “Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the man who makes every day brighter! May this year be filled with laughter, love, and dreams realized.”
  4. “Happy birthday to the man who makes my heart skip a beat! Your love and kindness never cease to amaze me. May your day be as incredible as you are.”
  5. “Happy birthday to my rock, my love, and my best friend! Your presence in my life brings me endless joy. May this year be filled with exciting adventures and dreams fulfilled. Cheers to you, my amazing husband!”
  6. “On your special day, I want to remind you how much you’re loved and appreciated. Happy birthday, my handsome husband. Here’s to another year of shared laughter, love, and unforgettable moments together.”
  7. “Happy birthday to my built-in best friend! I love you so much!”
  8. “You are the most thoughtful, intelligent, and caring person I know. How lucky I am to call you my husband. Happy birthday, handsome!”
  9. “Happy birthday to the most special person in my life. You are my love, my heart, and my joy!”
  10. “Every year on your birthday, I get reminded of how much you mean to me. Happy birthday to my best friend and soulmate!”
birthday wishes gif card

Happy birthday wishes for your girlfriend

  1. “Happy birthday to the most incredible woman in my life! Your presence fills my days with love and joy. May this day be as special and beautiful as you are.”
  2. “Wishing my beautiful girlfriend a day filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments. Happy birthday! Here’s to creating many more cherished memories together!”
  3. “Happy birthday, my love! Your smile brightens my days, and your love completes my life. May your birthday be as magical and enchanting as you are.”
  4. “To the beautiful woman stole my heart — happy birthday! Your love is the greatest gift, and I’m grateful for the happiness you bring to my life every day.”
  5. “Happy birthday, sweetheart! I’m excited to celebrate this special day with you! May all your dreams come true in the coming year.”
  6. “Wishing you a day as marvelous and vibrant as you are! Happy birthday, my perfect girlfriend. May your birthday be the start of a year filled with love, success, and all the happiness in the world.”
  7. “Your love is my greatest treasure, and I can’t wait to make this day as special as you are. Happy birthday!”
  8. “Cheers to the most beautiful soul I know! Happy birthday, my love! May this year be filled with love, laughter, and everything your heart desires.”

Happy birthday wishes for your boyfriend

  1. “Happy birthday to my incredible boyfriend! Your love fills my days with joy, and I’m grateful to celebrate another year of you!”
  2. “Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the man who makes my heart skip a beat. Happy birthday, my love! May your day be filled with laughter, surprises, and all the happiness you deserve.”
  3. “Happy birthday to the one who brings so much warmth and happiness to my life. Your love is a gift, and I’m lucky to share this special day with you.”
  4. “Cheers to the guy who makes every day brighter! Happy birthday, my handsome boyfriend. May this year be filled with exciting adventures, dreams fulfilled, and lots of love.”
  5. “On your special day, I want you to know how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, my love. Your presence is a source of joy, and I’m excited for another year of shared moments.”
  6. “Happy birthday to the man who stole my heart! Your love is my greatest treasure, and I’m thrilled to celebrate you today. May this birthday be just as amazing as you are.”
  7. “To the one who makes my world complete — happy birthday! Your love is the best gift, and I’m looking forward to making this day as magical as our lives are together.”
  8. “Happy birthday to my love and best friend! May your day be filled with all the things that bring you happiness. Here’s to another year of wonderful memories together!”

Happy birthday wishes for Mom

birthday wishes flowers card breakfast tray
  1. “Happy birthday to the most incredible mom! Your love is a guiding light in my life, and I’m grateful for your warmth and wisdom. May your day be as wonderful as you are.”
  2. “Wishing my beautiful mom a day filled with love, joy, and all the happiness in the world. Happy birthday, and thank you for being my inspiration!”
  3. “Happy birthday, Mom! Your kindness, strength, and unconditional love make you a remarkable woman. May your day be surrounded by the same love and joy you bring to our family.”
  4. “To the woman who shaped my world with love — happy birthday! Your wisdom and grace inspire me every day, and I’m lucky to have you as my mom. May your special day be as extraordinary as you are!”
  5. “Happy birthday to the queen of our family! Your love is the heartbeat of our home, and I’m grateful for all the sacrifices you’ve made for us. May your day be filled with the love and joy you’ve given us through the years.”
  6. “I’m lucky to have a mom who is also my best friend. Happy birthday!”
  7. “Every year on this day, I’m reminded how lucky I am to have a mom like you. Happy birthday, Mom!”
  8. “Happy birthday to the real MVP of the family!”

Happy birthday wishes for Dad

  1. “Happy birthday to my amazing dad! Your strength, wisdom, and love have shaped me into the person I am today. May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and all the things you love.”
  2. “Wishing the best dad ever a fantastic birthday! Your guidance and support mean the world to me, and I hope your day is as special as you’ve made mine throughout the years.”
  3. “Happy birthday, Dad! Your love is a constant source of inspiration, and I’m grateful for all the memories we’ve shared. Get ready to have the best day ever!”
  4. “To the man who has been my hero from day one — happy birthday! Your kindness and strength amaze me. May your special day be filled with love, laughter, and all your favorite things.”
  5. “Happy birthday, Dad! Your wisdom and warmth light up our family. May your day be as bright and wonderful as the love you’ve always given us. Cheers to celebrating you!”
  6. “I’m the luckiest person to have a dad like you. Happy birthday!”
  7. “Thank you for always making me feel safe and loved. Sometimes, the simplest things are the most precious and cherished. Happy birthday!”
  8. “I can always count on you to lift me when I’m low and encourage me to keep going. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday, Dad!”

Happy birthday wishes for your sister

  1. “Happy birthday to my sister! Your presence adds so much joy and laughter to my life. Thank you for being my best friend and biggest supporter!”
  2. “Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the best sister ever! Your kindness, strength, and love inspire me every day. May this year bring you all the success and joy you deserve.”
  3. “Happy birthday, sis! Your friendship is a treasure, and I’m grateful for the bond we share. May your day be filled with fun, laughter, and all the special moments that make it truly memorable.”
  4. “Happy birthday to my amazing sister! Your smile brightens up my world. May your birthday be as wonderful and inspirational as you are.”
  5. “Happy birthday to the sister who makes my life more colorful! Your energy, enthusiasm, and love are truly one of a kind. May your day be filled with all the happiness you bring to the lives of those around you.”
  6. “I am the luckiest person on the planet to get to call you my sister. Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world!”
  7. “It’s an honor to have you as a sister and watch you grow into such an amazing person. I love you, and happy birthday!”
  8. “I’m so grateful to have grown up with you. I have you to thank for some of the happiest memories of my life, and I know we’ll make many more. Happy birthday!”
birthday wishes woman reading card

Happy birthday wishes for your brother

  1. “Happy birthday to my awesome brother! Your presence adds so much joy and laughter to my life. May your day be filled with excitement, surprises, and all the things that bring you happiness.”
  2. “Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the best brother ever! Your strength, kindness, and humor make you truly special. May this year be filled with success, adventure, and all the good things life has to offer.”
  3. “Happy birthday, bro! Your friendship means the world to me, and I’m grateful for the bond we share. May your day be filled with celebration, laughter, and the company of those you hold dear.”
  4. “Happy birthday to my incredible brother! Your generosity, wisdom, and love make you a remarkable person. May your birthday be as amazing and extraordinary as you are!”
  5. “Happy birthday to the brother who makes life more fun! Your energy, positivity, and warmth light up our family. May your day be filled with happiness, love, and all the things that bring you joy.”
  6. “Cheers to another year of being the best brother ever. Happy birthday!”
  7. “Happy birthday to the guy who always protected me, even though I’m the older sibling. Cheers, little brother!”
  8. “Having you as a built-in best friend is the biggest blessing of my life. Happy birthday, brother!”

Happy birthday wishes for Grandma

  1. “Happy birthday to the sweetest grandma in the world! Your love and wisdom have shaped our family, and we are so grateful for the joy you bring to our lives. May your day be filled with all the happiness you’ve shared with us.”
  2. “Wishing a very special birthday to my incredible grandma! Your warmth, kindness, and comforting presence make our family complete. May your day be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments.”
  3. “Happy birthday, Grandma! Your love is a guiding light in our lives, and your stories are the threads that weave our family together. May this year bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve.”
  4. “To the queen of our family, happy birthday, Grandma! Your grace and strength inspire us every day. May your birthday be as beautiful and heartwarming as the love you’ve showered us with!”
  5. “Warmest birthday wishes to my amazing grandma! Your hugs are the best, and your love is unmatched. May your special day be filled with the same warmth and joy you’ve always given me.”

Happy birthday wishes for Grandpa

  1. “Happy birthday to the coolest grandpa ever! Your wisdom, humor, and love are the cornerstones of our family. May your day be filled with laughter, good company, and everything you enjoy.”
  2. “Wishing a fantastic birthday to my wonderful grandpa! Your stories are a treasure, and your presence is a blessing. May this year bring you health, happiness, and all the joys of life.”
  3. “Happy birthday, Grandpa! Your strength and resilience are an inspiration to us all. May your day be filled with the all love and appreciation you deserve.”
  4. “To the grandpa who always knows how to make me smile — happy birthday! Your love is a constant source of warmth and comfort. May your special day be filled with joy and dreams realized!”
  5. “Warmest birthday wishes to my amazing grandpa! Your guidance and love has shaped my life in beautiful ways. May your day be filled with the same joy and happiness you’ve given me over the years.”

Happy birthday wishes for friends

  1. “Happy birthday to my best friend! Your friendship brings so much joy and laughter to my life. May your day be filled with amazing moments and lots of cake!”
  2. “Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the one who makes every day brighter! Your friendship is a gift, and I’m grateful for the memories we’ve created together. May your year be filled with exciting adventures and all your dreams coming true.”
  1. “Happy birthday, my dear friend! Your kindness, loyalty, and humor make you truly special. May your day be as fantastic as you are.”
  2. “Happy birthday to the friend who has been there through thick and thin! Your support means the world to me, and I hope your day is filled with love, laughter, and all the things that bring you happiness.”
  3. “Happy birthday to my best friend! You truly know how to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. May your special day be filled with surprises, joy, and lots of laughs.”

Happy birthday wishes for co-workers

  1. “Happy birthday to my favorite co-worker! You truly inspire me. May your day be filled with well-deserved recognition, joy, and relaxation.”
  2. “Wishing a very happy birthday to the one who makes the workplace brighter! Your positive energy and teamwork are truly appreciated!”
  3. “Happy birthday to one of the greats! May your day be filled with celebration and appreciation!”
  4. “Happiest of birthdays to you! May your special day be as productive and successful as you are at work!”
  5. “Warmest birthday wishes to my wonderful co-worker. You make the office a better place!”
tribute birthday banner

12 First Birthday Gifts Designed to Delight Kids and Parents Alike

Gifts for a 1-year-old’s birthday are some of the most meaningful to pick because they celebrate such a memorable milestone. Moving from being a baby into toddlerhood is a big moment for the little one in your life, full of growth and learning. That’s part of what makes choosing a first birthday present so much fun.

Things that make noise, things that they can build up and knock down — this is where babies can have some agency.

Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Professor of psychology at Temple University and senior fellow at the Brookings Institute

Dr. Kathy Hirsh Pasek headshot

The right present can help contribute to the birthday baby’s quest to explore and play. Beyond the cake smash and festivities of a first birthday, there’s a lot to celebrate in your little one’s development. This is the age of new abilities, and many firsts will occur in the coming months, such as walking, speaking, and self-feeding. It’s a big world, and in the second year of life, a toddler is ready to interact with it.

Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple University and senior fellow at the Brookings Institute, says that although technology may have changed the toy offerings over the years, the classics still provide the enrichment toddlers crave. “What they really need are things they can touch, things they can smell, things they can hear, and things they can see.” A mom and grandmother herself, Hirsh-Pasek is the co-author of The New York Times bestseller “Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children” as well as “Making Schools Work: Bringing the Science of Learning to Joyful Classroom Practice.”

The best toys, Hirsh-Pasek suggests, are simple things like plush animals, construction toys, and items babies can play with to experience cause and effect. “Things that make noise, things that they can build up and knock down — this is where babies can have some agency.”

Best 1-year-old birthday gifts

If you know a baby who’s about to celebrate their first birthday, getting a thoughtful gift from this curated collection is the perfect way to mark the milestone. Get ready to wrap with confidence knowing the new toddlers will enjoy discovering these presents on their first birthday, offering them plenty of playtime fun for months to come.

First birthday gifts under $25

first birthday gifts soft lamb toy

Soft lamb toy with teether

With its soft, furry body and chewable ears, Bahbah the Lamb from Tikiri Toys makes a great new friend for the birthday toddler who will love its cute and cuddly design and charming huggable face. The perfect companion for a little one’s imaginative journey, it will also provide welcome relief during fussy teething times with its natural rubber teether head.

first birthday gifts Personalized Baby Hooded Towel

Personalized baby hooded towel

Let your tot indulge their imagination in some pretend play after bath time with the Woodland Adventure Personalized Baby Hooded Towel. Choose from a fox, owl, bear, deer, or raccoon, with the animal of choice appearing on the hood in a charming design that allows any child to live out their nature-inspired make-believe. Each towel is personalized with the child’s name both across the hood and within the adorable forest critter pattern motif.

First birthday gifts under $50

first birthday gifts plush Llamacorn

Plush llamacorn

Shimmering in rainbows and comforting pastels, the Gund®Sparkles™ Llamacorn is as mythical as it is endearing, with a sweet smile and cuddle-worthy soft plush unicorn-llama hybrid body. It’s sure to inspire plenty of magical moments and sweet dreams for the birthday child.

first birthday gifts plush Personalized Plush Teddy

Personalized plush teddy

Remember that stuffed animal you loved as kid? The one that was so soft and squishy and was always there to give a warm and comforting hug — or just carry around wherever you went? Give that same memory to that new toddler with the My Big Day Personalized Plush Teddy Bear. It includes an adorable bib that comes customized with your choice of six color motifs along with the recipient’s age and name, making it an instant keepsake. Birthday baby not a fan of bears? How about a kindly dinosaur instead?

first birthday gifts plush Tummy Time Ocean Buddy

Tummy time toy

With all the crawling, sitting, standing, and walking the little one will be doing, gift them a friend who will be right by their side for all the play and exploration. The Tummy Time Ocean Buddy is a whale of a gift that’s big enough to be a snuggle buddy or an interactive toy thanks to its seahorse and starfish plushie friends. There’s even a teething star attached for those moments when gums need soothing.

first birthday gifts plush Personalized Play Mat

Personalized playmat

Encourage tummy time play and the safe exploration of playthings with the Transportation Village Personalized Playmat. With its colorful “town” graphics, toddlers are whisked off to an imaginary community that makes a big world feel like it’s easily within their reach. Parents will also appreciate this mat offering a safe and sanitary floor environment that can be set up in seconds and is easy to clean.

first birthday gifts Personalized Kids Keepsake Box

Personalized keepsake box

Think of the fun you’ll have stocking the Woodland Adventure Personalized Kids Keepsake Box full of mementos from baby’s first year. It’s a priceless gift that anyone would love to enjoy looking through over the years. Or, build your own time capsule of iconic items from current times. In a decade or two, it will make a monumental gift to open!

first birthday gifts plush Tree Kit

Tree kit

Want a gift that will be remembered for years to come? How about planting a tree with the Seeds of Life Tree Kit?! Let little ones learn about gardening and ecology from an early age as they watch a grown-up give a baby tree a start on life in the included elegant pot. Then, when the seedling is big enough, it can be planted in the ground to grow along with the birthday baby.

first birthday gifts personalized plush playsets

Personalized plush playsets

Ready to pack in the first birthday fun? How about not one but multiple gifts all wrapped into one fun first birthday present? The My First Mini Tackle Box Personalized Playset by Baby Gund® includes a host of adorable fishing-themed plushies, from a pretend rod to a too-cute plushie worm, all stored in a super-soft “tackle box.” Not into fishing? How about a personalized soft toolbox for the tiny builder that includes a saw crinkle toy, screwdriver rattle, wrench squeak toy, and hammer with sound. You can also pick a personalized sports bag, complete with multiple plushie sports balls, or an extra-soft and toddler-friendly My First Purse, which, of course, includes all the essentials, such as a plush compact mirror, crinkly credit card and keys, and mini plushie “cell phone” rings.

First birthday gifts under $100

first birthday gifts Animated Mother Goose Plush Book

Animated Mother Goose Plush & Book

Introduce your little one to some of the most cherished nursery rhymes of all-time with the Animated Mother Goose Plush & Book. Not only will the tot be visually stimulated by the gorgeous illustrations from famed children’s author Tomie dePaola, but he or she will be mesmerized as the Mother Goose plush recites all the classic poems aloud. And what’s better for a 1-year-old than an interactive story time experience?!

first birthday gifts Personalized Blanket with Plush Puppy

Personalized baby blanket with plush puppy

Every toddler needs a special blankie that will be there for them from playtime to naptime — and it’s even better when it’s custom embroidered with their name on it. The Embroidered Satin Trim Baby Blanket with Plush Puppy Set allows you to personalize with not only a name but one of 33 thread colors and 18 unique fonts for a truly personal present. Pick between blue or pink, and each set includes the cutest color-coordinated plush puppy with irresistible puppy-dog eyes that just beg for a hug. Best of all, the entire set is machine washable and safe for all ages.

February Birth Flowers: All About the Violet and Primrose

As February unfolds, nature graces us with the delicate and charming presence of two birth flowers. These enchanting blooms captivate us with not only their visual appeal but with the stories they tell and the meaning they carry.

Whether exchanged as tokens of love or adorning our living spaces, these blossoms remind us of the beauty and resilience found in the natural world. Come with us as we learn more about these charming flowers that embody the magic of February and bring joy and positivity into our lives.

What are the February birth flowers?

The February birth flowers are the violet and primrose.

february birth flowers hero

Violets (Viola) are known for their delicate appearance and sweet fragrance. They have five-petaled flowers that come in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, violet, white, and yellow; some are even multi-colored. Their leaves are often heart-shaped or rounded with scalloped edges. The growth habit, size, and habitat of violets vary widely depending on the species and variety; they do, however, tend to thrive in cool, shaded environments.

Primroses (Primula) are perennial plants that are one of the first flowers to bloom in late winter or early spring. Their flowers have a distinctive saucer-like shape with five-petaled blossoms, and they feature in a wide range of colors, including pink, purple, red, yellow, white, and even bi-color varieties. The leaves of primroses often form a rosette at the base of the plant, and some varieties emit a mild, sweet fragrance. Primroses thrive in cool, temperate climates and are well-suited for shaded or partially shaded areas.

What is the history of violets?

The use of violets dates back to ancient Greece, where the flower was associated with love and fertility. Legend has it that the Ionian philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras cultivated violets for their calming properties. In Rome, violets were used in perfumes and as a symbol of love and affection.

february birth flowers violets on wooden spoon

In the Middle Ages, violets were cultivated in monastic gardens for their purported healing properties and were often used in herbal remedies. During the Renaissance, violets became a favorite motif in art and literature, symbolizing love, faithfulness, and modesty.

Today, in addition to being cultivated for their ornamental value, violets are used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Violet petals show up in recipes for salads, desserts, and beverages, and the flowers have been shown to hold therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.

What does the violet mean?

The meaning and symbolism of violets have changed over the years. In the Middle Ages, violets represented chastity, modesty, and faithfulness. During the Victorian era, men gave violets to the women they admired, with purple violets meaning “I’ll always be true to you” and cream-colored violets conveying the message “Let’s take a chance on love together.”

As violets are among the first flowers to bloom in spring, they are also seen as symbols of renewal and the arrival of warmer, brighter days. Violets are often considered symbols of femininity, and are associated with goddesses and female deities in certain cultures.

Today, violets symbolize things like young love, innocence, and joy, making them a popular choice for expressing romantic feelings.

How to care for violets

Violets adapt to nearly any environment, having been seen growing in both dry deserts and wet rainforests.

  • Sunlight: Violets thrive in locations with filtered sunlight or dappled shade; therefore, plant them in partial to full shade. Avoid exposing your violets to intense, direct sunlight.
  • Soil: Use well-draining, slightly acidic soil. A mix containing peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite is suitable.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Temperature: Violets prefer cool to moderate temperatures. Indoor violets generally thrive in temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees. Outdoor violets can tolerate cold temperatures but may benefit from protection during harsh winter conditions.
  • Fertilizing: Feed violets with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer).

3 interesting facts about violets

  1. French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte loved violets so much that after his wife, Josephine, died, he covered her grave in dozens of violet petals.
  2. William Shakespeare made references to violets in several of his plays. In “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Oberon mentions the “little western flower,” believed to be a reference to the violet.
  3. The violet’s association with modesty can be traced back to the story of the Greek goddess Artemis. According to Greek mythology, each of Artemis’ nymph friends swore to stay maidens for their entire life. After Artemis’ brother Apollo chased the nymphs relentlessly, Artemis had no choice but to protect them from her brother by turning them into violets.

What are the best February birth flower gifts?

These lovely gift options showcase everything we love about the February birth flowers.

What is the history of primrose?

Primroses are believed to have been cultivated as ornamental plants as far back as ancient Rome. The Latin name “Primula” is derived from the Latin word “primus,” meaning first, which reflects the plant’s early springtime flowering.

Later on, primroses became popular ornamental plants in gardens across Europe, cultivated not only for their beauty but also their potential medicinal benefits. In the Middle Ages, these perennials were used to treat such afflictions as arthritis and paralysis.

Primroses have been associated with various folklore and superstitions. For example, according to Celtic beliefs, the primrose is sacred and the key to heaven, and Irish people commonly placed it in doorways as a signal to fairies to keep their homes safe.

violet primula with raindrops

What does the primrose mean?

Primroses are often associated with young love and early affection. In the language of flowers, they convey sentiments of budding romance, making them popular choices for expressing feelings in matters of the heart.

As early bloomers in the spring, primroses also symbolize hope, optimism, and the promise of brighter days ahead.

As with many other flowers, the color of primroses can influence their symbolism. For example, yellow primroses are often associated with positivity and joy, while pink primroses may convey feelings of affection and gratitude.

How to care for primrose

Primrose is hardy and adaptable to most environments. And, unlike other early-blooming flowers, this perennial can stay open until late spring.

  • Sunlight: Primrose prefers locations with filtered sunlight or dappled shade, so planting them in partial to full shade is best.
  • Soil: Use well-draining, humus-rich soil for primroses. A mix containing peat moss, perlite, and compost works well.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Water primroses at the base to prevent wetting the foliage, which can lead to fungal issues.
  • Temperature: Primroses prefer cool to moderate temperatures. Protect outdoor primroses from extreme cold temperatures, and provide insulation, such as a layer of mulch, during winter.
  • Humidity: Primroses appreciate higher humidity levels. Increase humidity by placing a tray of water near the plants or using a humidifier, especially in dry indoor environments.
  • Fertilizing: Feed primroses with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer).

3 interesting facts about primrose

  1. Primrose Day is observed in the United Kingdom each year on April 19 to commemorate the death of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, who had a fondness for the flower.
  2. In the popular young adult series “The Hunger Games,” the younger sister of main character Katniss Everdeen is named Primrose Everdeen. She is named after the evening primrose, a flower known for its healing qualities — just like the character herself.
  3. Shakespeare introduced the phrase “the primrose path” in his play “Hamlet.” It means taking the easy way out of a difficult situation.

Birth month flowers

Learn more about birth month flowers in our article series.

The Birthday Blues: What It Feels Like, Why We Experience It, and How to Get Through It

Gary spent his 48th birthday at work, hauling junk. He didn’t talk about the significance of the day with his work buddies — or anyone else, for that matter. In fact, Gary, who asked to keep his last name private, hasn’t celebrated a birthday in years.

Be sensitive and mindful of how other people experience their birthdays and what they might need during those times.

ash king

Psychologist and social media researcher

He dreads turning 50. “Fifty is holy Moses!” he says, “I still think I’m 25 in my head.”

Birthdays — and holidays — have made him sad ever since his mother died when he was 36. He misses her, and even more so on occasions when they would have been together. With each birthday, he also feels the weight of regrets and the mistakes he’s made in his work life. “I haven’t used my time well,” he confesses, adding, “but other people deal with worse.”

That’s true. “I have a number of close friends and family members who experience low mood on their birthdays,” says Ash King, a psychologist and social media researcher in Sydney. Feeling sad, self-critical, or regretful, as Gary does, isn’t uncommon. The “birthday blues” have many causes, and some of them have deep roots. Research even shows an uptick in suicides on birthdays among middle-aged men in the United Kingdom and in Japan, on milestones like turning 40.

Don’t assume you can jolly someone out of this state. A surprise party — or even an extravagant trip — can backfire. Instead, “be sensitive and mindful of how other people experience their birthdays and what they might need during those times,” King says. “I think we should follow our friends’ lead.”

That doesn’t always mean doing nothing — you might send a bouquetplant, or card — but don’t push.

Are you depressed or suffering from anxiety?

Gary confesses he’s depressed, although he’s not in treatment. About 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. are diagnosed with depression in their lifetime, and many more live with symptoms — insomnia, low energy, aches and pains, lack of appetite or enthusiasm — without seeking medical care. Like Gary, they may try to ignore their birthdays to avoid a downward mood swing. Celebrations just aren’t in sync with their feelings. If you’re carrying around shame or guilt, feeling as if you don’t deserve gifts or attention is natural. If you are deeply sad or angry, putting on a gracious face for friends, coworkers, or family might just seem phony, or a burden.

Depression can also produce agitation, marked by fear rather than sadness. As Alexandra Koster writes in her 2022 article titled “Yes, There’s a Reason Why You Cry on Your Birthday Every Year,” “When my birthday approached, I found myself feeling uneasy and perpetually nauseous. I couldn’t leave the house without a pit in my stomach, and you could practically feel the anxiety living it up in the back of my throat. The idea of planning a birthday event was panic-attack-inducing.”

jim white headshot
Jim White, a retired lawyer, says he conquered his birthday blues by “consciously evoking the presence of family members who are dear to me.”

Recalling your childhood or teen birthdays may help you understand or soothe your adult birthday blues. Gary remembers that his mother made an effort to make his childhood birthdays fun. “They weren’t so great — but she tried,” he says.

Jim White’s birthday was only a day apart from his father’s. “I kept wondering why he hated me,” says White, a retired lawyer. His father had had a hard childhood, and, White believes, he may have resented his more fortunate son. The memory of feeling resented, White suspects, was one reason his own birthdays were tough for decades.

For many people, the risk of rejection is overwhelming. Some traumatic associations are obvious: the unexpected breakup or a car crash after a drinking party that has poisoned all birthdays for you. Others are subtle and half forgotten. Maybe you noticed that other kids got fancier presents and understood that your family’s finances were shaky.

But even without depression or trauma, resisting the idea that you’re older is common. We watch people age in ways that cause pain to themselves and others, and we don’t want to follow in those footsteps. If unwrinkled skin and a full head of hair are important to your self-esteem, then every birthday feels like proof you’re becoming less attractive. Like Gary, you might be disappointed in your progress, wishing things had gone differently.

Deaths are linked to birthday blues

White, who turned 76 in October, began to feel especially bad around his birthdays in his 30s, after his father-in-law died young. His own mortality loomed: “I just came closer and closer to what I knew would eventually be my death. This was upsetting to me,” he says, “It isn’t so much now.” He worried that he wouldn’t be alive to help his friends and family as tragedies came their way.

Honoring the memory of loved ones has helped him feel better about his own birthday. For years, he sent his mother spring bouquets on her birthday, often through 1-800 Flowers.com. When she died, the next year he sent his sister tulips on her birthday, and he has kept up the tradition ever since.

By his 60s, White lost his birthday blues. People just kept dying — and he stopped fighting the idea. Instead, he reached out in his mind to his late grandmother and mother. “What made me feel better was very consciously evoking the presence of family members who are dear to me,” he says. When he turned 65, he gave himself a grand bash at a beloved church and established a fund in his mother’s name.

What you can do

birthday blues woman admiring flowers on bed

If you know someone who struggles with the birthday blues, you can show you care by remembering quirks and indulging them in quiet ways. For instance, if your sister loves peach cobbler, bring her one with a single candle and let her eat it later, alone. Or send her a simple bouquet. The key is that she can enjoy it privately, on her own schedule.

White’s wife and children always arranged low-key family celebrations for him, and his sister reciprocated his gifts, sending him autumnal arrangements. “Oh, they were wonderful,” he says. “They did make me feel better.” Eventually, she switched to sending him home-cooked hams, one of his favorite meals.

Ask about birthday memories, and let your friends and family tell you about the awful ones. If you’ve had your own bad birthdays, you can share that too. One option is to recognize a birthday, without too much fanfare, at another time. For example, you could arrange theater tickets on a date a month before or after a birthday and tell the recipient casually at the theater that the ticket is your birthday gift.

If you’re struggling with your own birthday, try to be proactive. Pull out a journal and write about why you’re feeling down, King suggests. But don’t use your journal as a way to beat yourself up. Instead, put your feelings into perspective with phrases like “Anyone would feel bad if…” Writing about emotional pain works best if you practice self-compassion. Also consider booking yourself a manicure or buying yourself a small treat, just in case it helps. And go ahead — tell friends that birthdays are difficult for you.

Birthday blues, on their own, are not an immediate cause for concern. They could, however, be a sign of a “deeper psychological issue,” including clinical depression, King notes. Along with feelings of “hopelessness, worthlessness, and despair,” the danger signs include an unrelenting low mood that lasts more than two weeks, with disrupted sleep and eating patterns. Any of these are cues to seek help.

Birthdays aren’t happy occasions for all of us. They can be painful reminders of the swiftly passing years, and can act as triggers for memories we’d rather forget. Remember that the next time yours, or that of someone you care about, rolls around, and to be kind to yourself, and others.

January Birth Flowers: All About the Carnation & Snowdrop

As January unfolds, bringing with it the frosty charm of winter, it introduces us to the month’s two birth flowers. These blooms, each possessing a unique allure, add a touch of grace to the season — whether they are adorning a winter garden, enhancing a bouquet, or serving as tokens of love and appreciation.

Standing as symbols of enduring beauty, hope, and elegance, these two examples of floral excellence transcend the chill of winter and herald the promise of renewal in the approaching spring. So, as we embrace the coldest month of the year, let’s acquaint ourselves with the January birth flowers and what makes them so special.

What are the January birth flowers?

The January birth flowers are the carnation and snowdrop.

january birth flowers hero

Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) are known for their frilly petals and sweet fragrance. They come in a spectrum of colors, including white, pink, red, purple, and even green. Their ruffled appearance, spicy-sweet scent, and long, sturdy stems make them a favorite for floral arrangements and bouquets. Due to their versatility and durability, carnations are used in variety of settings, from formal events and weddings to everyday occasions, and frequently show up in boutonnieres and corsages.

Snowdrops (Galanthus) are petite, bell-shaped flowers with pristine white petals. They bloom in late winter to early spring, sometimes even pushing through the snow, hence their name. Snowdrops are generally small, reaching heights of 3 to 6 inches, and typically grow in clumps or clusters. They naturalize easily, spreading over time, and can form extensive colonies.

What is the history of carnations?

Carnations date back over 2,000 years. They are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean, and were first cultivated by the Greeks and Romans, who used them in art and ceremonies, and even as medicinal remedies. (The genus name Dianthus is derived from the Greek words dios, meaning “divine,” and anthos, meaning “flower.”)

From there, carnations were introduced to Asia, particularly China and Japan, where they became popular and were cultivated for their aesthetic appeal.

In the Middle Ages, monks grew carnations in monastery gardens for both medicinal and decorative purposes, and during the Elizabethan age, carnations were prized for their fragrance, often being used in potpourri.

What does the carnation mean?

Generally, carnations are associated with fascination, love, and affection. They also have more specific meanings depending on their color.

january birth flowers carnation collection

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Red: Admiration
  • Deep red: Romantic love
  • Pink: Gratitude
  • White: Purity and friendship
  • Yellow: Sorrow
  • Purple: Royalty

Carnations, particularly pink and red ones, have a strong association with Mother’s Day, and because of that, they also symbolize a mother’s love. Additionally, due to their long-lasting blooms, carnations have become synonymous with enduring love.

How to care for carnations

Most carnations require little more than basic flower care. This guide will help you plant, grow, and care for your carnations.

  • Soil: When planting carnations,choose a well-drained soil with a slightly alkaline to neutral pH.
  • Sunlight: Plant carnations in an area that receives full sun for at least 4 to 6 hours a day.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plants at the base to avoid wetting the foliage, which can lead to fungal issues. Water deeply when the soil feels dry to the touch, especially during dry spells.
  • Fertilization: Feed carnations with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer during the growing season (spring to early fall).
  • Deadheading: Regularly remove spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.
  • Pruning: Trim the plants lightly, cutting back by about one-third, after the first flush of blooms to promote bushier growth.
  • Winter care: In regions with cold winters, apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to protect them from freezing temperatures. Consider bringing potted carnations indoors or providing additional protection if extreme cold is expected.
january birth flowers carnations

3 interesting facts about carnations

  1. The green carnation is one of the most iconic flower symbols in LGBTQ+ history. Legendary gay playwright Oscar Wilde asked actors and friends to wear green carnations at the opening night performance of his play “Lady Windemere’s Fan” in 1892; subsequently, Parisian gay men began wearing green carnations in public to send a message to other men that they were gay.
  2. In Victorian times, striped or variegated carnations were sometimes associated with a refusal or message that conveyed “I cannot be with you.”
  3. The Carnation Revolution took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 25, 1974, resulting in the country’s transition from a dictatorship to a democracy. The event got its name from the fact that demonstrators, while celebrating the overthrow of the authoritarian government in the streets, distributed carnations to soldiers.

What are the best January birth flower gifts?

These enchanting gift options highlight everything we love about the January birth flowers.

What is the history of snowdrops?

Snowdrops are native to parts of Europe and Asia, and have been growing in the wild for centuries. They are believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean region and parts of the Middle East.

In the 17th century, they became more popular in European gardens, especially in England. During the Victorian era, they were featured in “Language of Flowers” books as symbols of hope and consolation.

Snowdrops were introduced to North America in the 19th century and have naturalized in some regions, particularly in the northeastern part of the continent.

What does the snowdrop mean?

Beautifull snowdrop flower growing in snow in early spring forest

With their ability to bloom early and appearance marking the arrival of spring, snowdrops are often seen as symbols of hope and rebirth. Their pristine white petals also call to mind purity and innocence; in some cultures, they are even associated with the Virgin Mary.

Snowdrops are hardy flowers that can withstand cold temperatures and even bloom in snowy conditions and, thus, are associated with strength and the capacity to overcome challenges. As symbols of remembrance, these flowers are often planted in cemeteries and memorial gardens.

Snowdrops have symbolic roots in different religions too. In Christianity, they are sometimes referred to as “Candlemas bells” because they often bloom around the time of the Candlemas festival (on Feb. 2), which marks the presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem. In pagan traditions, snowdrops are associated with the festival of Imbolc, a celebration of the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

How to care for snowdrops

Caring for snowdrops is relatively straightforward, as these resilient and low-maintenance flowers are adapted to colder climates. Follow these tips for the best results.

  • Planting: Plant snowdrop bulbs in late summer to early fall, in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.
  • Sunlight: Snowdrops thrive in partial to full shade. Plant them in locations where they receive dappled sunlight or filtered light from deciduous trees.
  • Soil: Ensure the soil is consistently moist but well-drained. Improve soil drainage by adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to the planting area.
  • Watering: Water newly planted bulbs thoroughly to help them establish roots. After that, snowdrops are generally drought tolerant and require minimal watering.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch, such as straw or bark, around the snowdrops to help retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth.
  • Deadheading: Deadhead spent flowers to redirect energy back into the bulbs and prevent the plant from putting energy into seed production.
  • Winter protection: While snowdrops are cold hardy, providing some protection during the winter can be beneficial. Mulch can help insulate the soil and protect the bulbs.
january birth flowers snowdrops

3 interesting facts about snowdrops

  1. Snowdrops have a dedicated following of enthusiasts known as “galanthophiles,” who collect and cultivate various snowdrop varieties.
  2. Snowdrops contain substances known as alkaloids, and all parts of the plant are considered toxic if ingested.
  3. A single snowdrop bulb called Golden Tears” sold in 2022 on eBay for a record-setting sum of more than $2,300!

Birth month flowers

Learn more about birth month flowers in our article series.

December Birth Flowers: All About the Holly and Narcissus

December is a month filled with festivities, warmth (though not on the thermometer), and, with the approaching new year, the promise of a fresh start. And it’s a time when nature displays its own form of celebration through the vibrant blooms that are its birth flowers.

Though these two beloved specimens have very different appearances, there’s no denying they both bring a touch of nature’s magic to the holiday season. Whether you’re looking for protection, love, or a new beginning, these flowers embody the spirit of December.

What are the December birth flowers?

The December birth flowers are the holly and narcissus, particularly the paperwhite variety.

december birth flowers hero

Holly (Ilex aquifolium) is an evergreen shrub or small tree known for its glossy, dark green leaves and vibrant round or oval berries. The leaves are often adorned with sharp, spiky teeth or thorns along their edges, and the berries are most commonly red in color (but can also be orange or yellow). The plant produces small flowers that are typically greenish-white and bloom in late spring. Holly is a popular choice for holiday decorations, especially during Christmas.

Paperwhite narcissus (Narcissus papyraceus) is a delicate and fragrant variety of narcissus, a genus of plants that also includes daffodils. It is characterized by its graceful, slender stems that bear clusters of white, star-shaped flowers, as well as its sweet and citrusy fragrance. Paperwhites typically bloom in late fall to early winter, making them a popular choice for indoor decorations and centerpieces during the holiday season.

What is the history of holly?

Holly has roots in pagan traditions and pre-Christian cultures. In Celtic and Druidic beliefs, holly was considered a sacred plant with protective qualities, and was believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck to homes, especially during the winter solstice.

With the spread of Christianity, holly took on new symbolism. Its prickly leaves were seen as representing the crown of thorns worn by Jesus during the crucifixion, and the red berries symbolized his blood. During the Middle Ages, holly was commonly used in medieval Christmas festivities, and was hung in homes and churches as a symbol of hope and protection during the holiday season.

december birth flowers holly leaves berries

What does holly mean?

Holly symbolizes protection, love, and hope. It is often associated with the ideas of rebirth and renewal, making it a fitting choice for December, a month that marks the end of one year and the beginning of another.

How to care for holly

Holly is a relatively low-maintenance plant, but you still need to provide it with a certain level of care to keep it happy and healthy.

  • Soil: Holly prefers well-draining soil. Ensure the soil around the plant doesn’t become waterlogged, as this can lead to root rot.
  • Sunlight: Holly generally thrives in full sun to partial shade. The more sunlight the plant is exposed to, however, the more berries it will produce.
  • Watering: Provide consistent moisture, especially during dry spells. Water newly planted holly regularly until it’s established. Once established, water during dry periods, but avoid overwatering, as holly prefers slightly drier conditions than many other plants.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the holly to conserve soil moisture, regulate temperature, and suppress weeds. Keep the mulch away from the trunk to prevent rot.
  • Pruning: Prune holly as needed to maintain its shape and size. Pruning can be done in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. Be careful when handling holly, as the leaves can be prickly.
  • Fertilization: While holly typically does not require heavy fertilization, you can apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring to encourage healthy growth.
A Close up of a Robin in the Holly Tree

3 interesting facts about holly

1. Wildlife food source

Holly berries are a valuable food source for wildlife, especially during the winter, when other food options are scarce. Birds, such as robins and thrushes, rely on holly berries for sustenance.

2. Woodwork & crafts

Holly wood is known for its pale color, density, and fine grain. It’s highly prized for use in woodworking and crafting, particularly for inlays, veneers, and fine turning work.

3. National tree & state symbols

Holly is the state tree of Delaware and national tree of the British Isle of Jersey. It’s also the state flower of Mississippi.

What are the best December birth flower gifts?

These delightful gift options highlight everything we adore about the December birth flowers.

What is the history of narcissus?

Paperwhite narcissus is native to the Mediterranean region, particularly areas around Spain and Portugal. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome, where it was cultivated for both its beauty and sweet fragrance.

The name “narcissus” has its origins in Greek mythology. According to legend, Narcissus was a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, after withering away and dying, turned into the flower that now bears his name.

Closeup of paper white narcissus flowers blooming

What does narcissus mean?

The paperwhite narcissus symbolizes renewal, purity, and new beginnings. Those representations, plus the fact they are winter-blooming flowers, make paperwhites a popular holiday gift.

The paperwhite narcissus also has significant meaning in various cultures and religious traditions. It is a popular flower to use during Hanukkah, as the ideas it represents — namely light, hope, and rebirth — align with the holiday’s themes. Also, in some Christian traditions, paperwhites symbolize the birth of Christ.

How to care for paperwhite narcissus

Paperwhites are typically treated as temporary indoor plants, but, depending on where you live, can grow outdoors as well.

Indoor care

  • Planting: Plant the bulbs in a shallow container filled with well-draining potting mix, stones, or even water. Ensure the bulbs are placed close together but not touching.
  • Watering: Add enough water to submerge the lower half of the bulbs. Keep the water level consistent so the bulbs remain moist but not submerged, and monitor the water level to prevent rot.
  • Light: Place the containers in a bright location with indirect sunlight, such as near a sunny window. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as this can cause the bulbs to grow too quickly and become leggy.
  • Temperature: Maintain a consistent temperature of 50 to 60 degrees. Slightly cooler temperatures help promote strong, sturdy growth.
  • Staking: As the stems grow taller, you may need to provide support to prevent them from toppling over. Use stakes or twine to gently tie them together.
  • After blooming: Once they finish blooming, discard your paperwhite narcissus or, if you live in a mild climate, plant them outdoors to naturalize.
Paperwhite Bulbs

Outdoor care

  • Planting: Choose a well-drained location to grow your paperwhites. Plant the bulbs in the fall at a depth of 3 to 4 inches.
  • Soil: Ensure the soil is well draining to prevent bulb rot, and add organic matter to improve soil structure.
  • Watering: Paperwhites generally do not require much watering when grown outdoors. Natural rainfall should be sufficient in most cases.
  • Light: Plant paperwhites in an area that receives partial to full sun.
  • After blooming: Once the flowers fade, allow the foliage to wither naturally; do not cut them back immediately. The foliage provides energy for the bulbs to bloom again the following year.

3 interesting facts about paperwhite narcissus

1. No soil required

Paperwhites are often grown hydroponically, which means they are cultivated in water rather than soil. Their bulb contains all the nutrients they need to grow and bloom.

2. Use the force

The practice of forcing paperwhite bulbs to bloom indoors during the winter months has gained popularity over time. Simply plant the bulbs in a shallow container, add water, and watch them grow. They typically bloom within 3 to 6 weeks of planting.

3. Drink up

Cornell University florists discovered that a bit of vodka or gin in the flower’s water can keep the narcissus from bowing over as it grows taller.

Birth month flowers

Learn more about birth month flowers in our article series.

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