EXCLUSIVE Put a rosy glow on their holiday celebration. Send our beautiful bouquet of a half dozen fresh roses, mixed with fragrant Christmas greens and festive ornaments. Arranged by our expert florists in a keepsake holiday green and silver votive, it's a truly original addition to any holiday home. Choose from red roses, white roses, or a merry mix of red and white.
- Bouquet of six fresh and festive roses, accented with assorted Christmas greens and shiny ornament balls
- Roses available in red, white or red and white
- Hand-arranged in a shimmering, keepsake green and silver ornament votive; measures 5.725"H x 4"W
- Includes tea light candle
- Arrangement measures approximately 10"H x 8"L
- Our florists select the freshest flowers available so colors and varieties may vary