Have the proud new parents beaming with a bright bouquet of assorted spray roses. Each individual spray rose stem features multiple petite blooms that express your congratulations in a truly original way. We've even added a fun New Baby balloon for more festive color. Plus, you can add our cuddly bunny plush for baby to play with.
- Fresh bouquet of gorgeous spray roses, featuring multiple beautiful blooms on each stem--50 blooms total in a bouquet of at least 10 stems, arriving in a rainbow of vibrant colors
- Send double the gift and get 100 gorgeous blooms in a bouquet of at least 20 stems, available at a sensational value
- 4"D Mylar New Baby balloon arrives pre-inflated on a stick
- Spray roses get their name from the "spray" of three to five brilliant blooms that grow on each exquisite stem
- Picked at the peak of perfection from select floral farms in South America
- Shipped overnight to ensure freshness
Add to their gift:
- A ribbed glass Pink Ginger Jar vase; measures 7.75"H
- A classic clear glass Ginger Jar vase; measures 7.5"H