How do you express everything in your heart without saying a word? Easy! Send our fresh bouquet of red roses—a Valentine’s classic from your Rose Authority. And for a gift that really speaks volumes, add a romantic red vase, cuddly plush bear or heart-shaped box of chocolates.
- Bouquet of one or two dozen stunning red roses
- To ensure lasting beauty, these roses arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
- Picked at the peak of perfection from our select floral farms
- Shipped overnight to ensure freshness
Add to their gift:
- Heart-shaped box featuring 4.75 oz of decadent Harry London® chocolate assortment
- Honee Bear, our loveable white plush bear, measuring 8"H with a pink satin bow around her neck and interlocking heart embroidered on her paw; safe for ages 3 and up