Just like a string of sparkling Christmas lights, our bright bouquet of assorted roses will add a merry glow to their holiday gathering. But to really put a twinkle in their eye, we've added a cuddly plush bear and a box of delicious Harry London® chocolates, creating a truly original 3-in-1 gift.
- Holiday bouquet of colorful assorted roses, available in one dozen or two dozen gorgeous blooms
- Brown plush "C.J." bear features a red bow around his neck; measures 8"H and is safe for ages 3 and up
- Harry London® 6.3 oz "Happy Holidays" chocolate assortment
- To ensure lasting beauty, these roses arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
- Picked at the peak of perfection from our select floral farms
- Shipped overnight to ensure freshness
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