Express your condolences with our artisan bouquet of premium long-stem light pink roses, green 'Antique' hydrangeas and charming green spray roses. Expertly harvested fresh from our floral farm and hand-tied in the traditional European style, these long-lasting blooms are gathered fresh and paired with a stylish vase.
- Hand-tied artisan bouquet of premium long-stem light pink roses, green 'Antique' hydrangeas and green spray roses
- Paired with a clear glass vase; measures 8.75"H x 4"D
- Can be sent to the home of friends, family members or business associates
- Flowers will arrive in bud form, ready to bloom to ensure lasting beauty
- Picked at the peak of perfection on a family-owned floral farm in South America and delivered fresh to the door
- Our farm is certified by Florverde Sustainable Flowers as environmentally friendly and socially conscious